Lizzy Warren Took An Axe

Lizzy Warren Took An Axe

Just as unhinged and greedy as the previous hag. At some point you have to wonder what they were thinking when we gave the fairer sex the right to vote.

And who the fuck is “Us”, she certainly doesn’t seem to have a peace pipe in her pocket.

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11 thoughts on “Lizzy Warren Took An Axe

  1. Wow, a democrat playing the “race” card. Who would have imagined. Based on this bigoted and racist diatribe, I think she is considering running in 2020. He/she who screams racism the loudest, is usually the biggest racist.

    Toejam, what happened to GOC site? I won’t load.

  2. “At some point you have to wonder what they were thinking when we gave the fairer sex the right to vote.”

    A lot of women will not like that statement, I would put it a bit different because not all women voted for this nut case, something like this “Warren and her like minded followers, nut cases one and all” this way women who did not vote for her are not labeled, I often wonder what secret language these people like Warren speak that only like minded people hear.

      1. Judd and Madonna, beauty is only skin deep when that fades all one has is personality to attract, or lots of money but seriously people you’d have to be in dire straights to want to listen to their nasty rants about men and the female side of life that any woman with some self respect would handle quietly without making a mess of her bed.

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