If It Were Me

If It Were Me

All of these asshat dems not going to the inauguration wouldn’t piss me off, I would just shut it all down, all the pomp and circumstance.

Do a private ceremony in the White House and call it a day. Fuck the networks, the brown nosers, the brown shirts, the whiny ass demonstrators, don’t give them a forum.

Hell I would do the swearing in at Trump Tower, that would really piss ’em off.


Reader Toejam comments – 

“Better Idea.

Trump flies to Moscow and goes into the Kremlin to take the oath with Vladimir Putin conducting the ceremony.”  – Hilarious!


9 thoughts on “If It Were Me

  1. Calvin Coolidge took the oath of office in the parlor of his family’s Vermont cabin, by the light of a kerosene lamp, at 2:47 a.m. on August 3, 1923. At that moment, he was the President. There was no parade, no concert, no gala celebration. Trump should do the same.

    How I would love to see the hundreds of butt-hurt protesters standing around the Capitol grounds, mouths agape (their normal posture), as they discover Trump has taken the oath of office in Trump Tower and has begun his inauguration speech, free from their bullhorns and mindless screeching.

  2. This is not a coronation, for too long it’s been allowed to evolve into a dog and pony show too placate the rich, the political class and the masses who believe in wasting time and money (ops money) Simple swearing in, then to work.

  3. Actually it is standard procedure for the President Elect to be sworn in in a private event before the new and the old first families go out to the platform outside the Capitol Building. That swearing in is ceremonial for public consumption.

  4. Better Idea.

    Trump flies to Moscow and goes into the Kremlin to take the oath with Vladimir Putin conducting the ceremony.

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