A Bleak Future

A Bleak Future

“One cause of this is the Cold War. For close to fifty years, Western Europe was America’s daycare center. Americans did all the heavy lifting with regard to the defense of Western Civilization both militarily and economically. European elites were allowed to play dress up and pretend to be in charge, but everyone knew the Americans were in charge. If something broke, America fixed it. If someone got an ouchy, America would salve their boo-boo. The Pax Americana allowed the West to remain in a state of perpetual adolescence.

The result was at least one generation of leaders lacking any training in responsible government.”            Here…..

One thought on “A Bleak Future

  1. Will be interesting to watch Europe, they are going to have to go crusades within their own borders to survive; but I give them a good chace; say at least 75% of doing it because unlike the usa that has just let everyone in since the 1965 immigration act and at some point will now longer be the majority European immigrant and will switch to the majority south American immigrant, which are not the same and I am not talking about skin color; I’m talking about what the people will accept for the type of govt that runs them and south americans are quite used to a dominant govt full of corruption; I expect it to come back after trump and more states get more blue and less red.
    Europe, on the other hand, has still kept itself mostly itself. Germany and England are still over 70 and 80 percent british and german and that didn’t change too much with the muslim invasion. Europe has a lot of nutbag liberals but the people are coming to the conclusion that they’ll lose their countries is they let the nutbags keep running things
    I suspect it will be bloody and Europe will be considered heartless, but I would give Germany, Sweden and England a better chance to be the same countries they are today, a hundred years from now than the usa.

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