Less Is More

Less Is More

It was Einstein or Ben Franklin who said the definition of insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

This came to mind as the Trump cabinet is being put in place. It has nothing to do with the picks but everything to do with the government departments to be led. The latest appointment as Energy Secretary is Rick Perry, the same Rick Perry who sputtered out during a presidential debate that this particular department should be shut down. I whole heartily agree that there are a number of alphabet departments that should be closed but my point is that by appointing a guy to lead a department, that in his estimation should be shuttered, is irony on steroids.

Trumps claim during his campaign was to eliminate waste and drain the swamp that is Washington DC. That’s all well and fine but the proof is in the pudding and right now all I can see is another administration taking it’s turn with the toys. Don’t get me wrong I love the majority of the picks, (jury is still out on Mitch McConnells little dove taking over transportation department), but this all seems like business as usual.

If Trump really wanted to send shock waves through DC he would place these people as clearing house appointments charged with eliminating alphabet agencies and letting states absorb the responsibilities dictating size and scope on their dime. The environmental/energy needs in Florida are different from say North Dakota, thus the states decide on their own issues versus a one size fits all policy, let the states have some skin in the game considering industrial impacts and constituents/business input from the people who actually live there. It’s ridiculous having bureaucrats making crucial decisions from their cubicles in DC on a farmers irrigation pond in west Texas. If you expand that thought, the same thing can be said with the Department of Education, EPA, GSA, Department of Labor, etc…

It’s my hope Trump and his cabinet understand all of this otherwise we are doing the same thing over and over again. Stop the insanity….less is more.


2 thoughts on “Less Is More

  1. “by appointing a guy to lead a department, that in his estimation should be shuttered, is irony on steroids.”

    Disagreed. If you appoint a man to head a(n unconstitutional) government department who is a wholehearted supporter of its mission, you will see him use his office to expand that mission and himself. If you do the opposite, you should at least expect to see him exercise some restraint in the use of his powers.

    Serious talk of abolition can come a bit later, once you’ve demonstrated that without vigorous action by that department, life went on as it should.

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