6 thoughts on “Patriotism 101

  1. Just because you can do some thing does not mean that you ought to do so. What we have now are a couple generations of special snowflakes who believe they can do any thing or say anything without consequences for their actions. That flag represents my country (not the government) and ideals and values of shaped us. By burning the flag they are attacking the country as a whole and what it stands for (at least in theory). This is not “free speech”. If they truly believe in the First Amendment they would have no issue with some one wearing a Confederate flag or burning an Isis or Rainbow flag in protest. Hypocrites. Instead of fines or jail time for burning the flag how about a steel toed boot in the balls? I would think that would be a more effective form of attitude adjustment and behavior modification

  2. Anyone who thinks he’d really try to do what he said in that tweet is an idiot. Seriously. He’s saying what he feels about flag burners. He’s more than aware that the law is set on this one.

  3. @Chris Would you kindly re-read my post again. I thought what I wrote was an objective observation on the current condition. I was stating my thoughts and not my “feelings”. On the subject of “feelings”, I am an old school kind of guy, I have three of them; hungry, horny and pissed off. What the Cultural Marxists are doing is using “the law” as a political weapon. They expect and demand that others obey the law down to the letter, whereas they can pick and choose as to when, where and to what degree they comply with the law.
    Maybe I am missing some thing here, but when did come to pass that a protester can interfere with the affairs of others who wish to be left alone or damage or destroy other peoples property without any consequences for said actions? In a recent anti-Trump protest, the protesters blocked traffic resulting in a man’s death because the ambulance could not get him to the hospital in time. What about the right of a small child to have a daddy? What about the right of a store owner to have his business NOT broken into, looted or burned? What about the right of the employee of same store to have a job to go to in the morning? What about the right of we the taxpaying public not to have the public/government items that our tax money paid for not be trashed or burned?
    The threat of jail time or fines only works when the party in question has some thing to loose. Fining some one will not deter them if they have no means to pay it or have no intention of paying it. There are those for whom jail time would be just a pain in the ass. They would still get three hots and a cot. Paid for by some one else. So just maybe another means sanctions is needed, cause clearly the current paradigm is not working.
    I do support and defend the right to protest. But re-read the First Amendment again. The key word is peaceably. There is nothing peaceable about burning things. By the way the rule of law is dead and the law is an ass. We have a strange situation where one may legally burn the flag in protest, but it is illegal to fly that same fly upside down.

  4. Donald’s comment (and the over reaction to it) reminds me of the comment Rudy Giuliani made regarding the use of Governor’s Island after the Coast Guard let it go: he said that ‘something’ should be done with it, perhaps it could be a casino. The ‘left’ immediately claimed that he wanted to legalize gambling in NYC.
    The key word in BOTH comments is “perhaps” – Donald stated that burning Old Glory should have consequences, what those could or should be are yet to be determined.

  5. Come on folks, this is the way it went down.

    Trumps Team around the boardroom table asks “How can we make these libtards look even worse in the public eye”?

    The Donald “hold my beer and watch this”, click, click, click, TWEET….”

    D J Trump, the king of the twitter trolls..

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