Fake Issue With “Fake News”

Fake Issue With “Fake News”

This is the new narrative being pushed by libs from Obama to Merkel. What they are doing is tossing out a blanket statement about right leaning web sites and bloggers. I’m sure they blame the information found in the sites as one of the reasons that the nasty woman lost the election. I imagine they would love to shut down Drudge, Breitbart, and others sites to force the public into the liberal propaganda of the main stream media.

Run “Fake News” through the Google machine and you can see the timeline just after the election that this talking point came out, a classic liberal tactic of launching a false narrative and letting the useful idiots run with it, and it’s effective. Call a CEO racist and watch the cogs of the leftists machine churn to get them removed, call a bakery homophobic and watch a liberal judge put them out of business. Call Zero Hedge or Drudge “Fake News” and watch the liberal heads begin spinning on how they can shut them down, regardless that information on those sites is true.

You see they can’t accept that people believed what they read from Wikileaks and decided that Hillary was in fact a terrible person or that her campaign cheated. It was all true, right there in black and white, but the left can’t let truth get in the way.b2faf8b6d3bc328a2cb130baf143ecef



2 thoughts on “Fake Issue With “Fake News”

  1. Interestingly I recieved a call the other day from a major group that does polls and surveys. They were asking about business internet usage since I own a business.

    One of the questions was would I be willing to subscribe to a 3rd party service that would block my employees from accessing fake news sites or hate sites.

  2. What I think this fortells is that the media will start hammering any business that doesn’t sign up for these ‘services’ and by tieing it to ‘hate’ literature they can hammer businesses. When the media corners some corporate president and asks ‘why do you condone your employees visiting hate sites?’ how long will it take the company to fold? Especially if lefty share holders start calling for the presidents resignation?

    This is a play to try and restrict free speech and access to information but they are getting people to voluntarily give up rights.

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