7 thoughts on “Escape From The Asylum

  1. There is so many things wrong with that sentence I’m not sure were to start.

    Intersection feminism veganism = The belief that as long as animals are used as food that people will treat women as 2nd class. Ok i guess if everyone died of malnutrition maybe their would be less sexism.

    Pan-gendered – We used to call this bisexual crossdressing or just disturbed.

    Life-ally – I guess if your partner has multiple partners of varying species and genders then calling them a spouse or partner is out of the question.

    Marxist – We used to call these people traitors.

  2. 20 years ago I interviewed for a job with one guy who had blue hair, I’m in computers so some geeks think they can pass themselves off as cool by being “different”.
    it was weird then, it is weird now. I may go to the grave or obamacare may send me to the grave but Reagan’s America was perfect imo and I’m not leaving it !
    (hill street blues is restarted to season 1 for about the 3rd time this year on heroes and icons network and i’ll be watching !)

  3. “#wearetheleft”
    No kidding?!?!!!
    These leftists just refuse to grow up. Kids don’t have the maturity NOT to tell you everything they know about any and all topics. These lefties are so immature they don’t know when to shut up!

    Oh and “Quasar”. Think he gets beaten up at school?

    Gotta agree with everything Exile1981 said as well.

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