3 thoughts on “We Are We Are

  1. The night after Dallas, and I think the whole weekend; there where protestors in Baton Rouge; and Drudge is reporting today(sunday, not 5 days after Dallas) that there have been attacks in St. Paul and in San Antonio.
    Do some cops go over the line resulting in death that shouldn’t have happened ? yes.
    Do some cops get away with crossing the line ? yes.

    But it’s a chicken and egg experience. 40 years ago, every car did not have tinted windows and cops knew what they were walking up to at every traffic stop, the thug culture and drug cultures didn’t exist or wehere considered outcasts and cops were treated as the help and protection that they are in most every neighborhood.

    Just like the white man has been beaten up by society and is now considered defensive and jittery, so are cops. (This is a brilliant insight BTW, I intend on sharing this thought with all I know).

    Unfortunately, this will only get worse as our black president has shown no intention to resolve it(like everything else that has become destructive on his watch).

    I’m taking a vacation asap because if this really blows up, traveling in America could become risky)I had thought of going to St. Louis this summer, not anymore).

  2. Nice post, leeholsen

    Speaking of riots did you hear about the White, Christian, Bible-clutching, gun-loving Conservatives burning down and looting their neighborhoods after FBI Director Comey announced the obvious criminal Hillary was “off the hook”?

    1. thank you and love the sarcasm. the next liberal I see that is backing BLM in any ways, I’m going to use your example; should set them off nicely.

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