6 thoughts on “Heh….

  1. Why bother, the surviving pajama bois would just congregate there again and muck up all of the progress that WE made. Don’t believe me? Look at what they have done in several formerly red states. Nuff said.

  2. Pretty much concur with GomeznSA. And I plan to leave soon. We need to setup a border check for people tryin’ to leave. If they won’t laugh at dirty jokes and eat bacon, turn them around.

  3. Before we start to liberate California, maybe we should start in Washington, DC – the place where common sense and true patriotism go to die.

  4. Fuck California. There’s only a handful of people there worth more than two squirts of piss. Pull them out, wall off the state and don’t let any other commie motherfuckers into the USA. They’re a cancer. They spread their disease everywhere they go.

    The best thing for America would be for the San Andreas fault to kick in, and level the tumors that are LA and SF.

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