Deal With It

Deal With It

I would have to agree with the following lament.            found here


You ponder all the as usual shabby and vile candidates offered by the major parties;

you feel your gorge rise;

you feel your brain writhe as you are forced to remember, and not for the first time, just what an evil and soul destroying system the current system is;

you shiver with the very natural and enduring repulsion, and then….

You vote for the one who is the most to the right.


Without fail.

“But I have my principles!”


This is not a kindergarten ethics period just before milk and cookies and a long dirt nap.

We’re playing with live ammunition in 2016.

Man up, grow a pair, and vote for the candidate who is most to the right.

You might hate him.

You might loathe him.

Me. Too.

And I don’t care what his name is.

Stump or

You might want him to be executed by a belt sander on pay-per-view.

Me too.


“But.. but… he can’t win!

Not if you sit home in your eternal dorm room muttering small talk at the wall while I’m in the hall, reliving your visions of political purity, and tossing your brain salad with mixed nuts.

“But… but… he makes me feel bad.”

Me too.

Fine. We get it that you have feelings. We get you feel bad.

Take your feelings back to your dorm room and sob into your pillow until you’re finished. Don’t get any on you. We’ll bring you a box of Kleenex or a hot towel, okay? You done? Good.

Now line up and vote for the candidate who is most to the right.

Be ye of — at the very least — low-info-flow Nike caliber intellectual prowess and “Just Do It.”

Take a series of deep breaths, hold up the hem of your ball gown, keep calm…. and vote for the candidate who is most to the right.

You’re not voting for the candidate, you silly person, you are voting for the right.

Either you are voting for the Right because you believe that the Right is Right for America, or you are not. Sit it out and you are still not voting for what is Right.

And if you happen to think that the Kristolnacht vision of Bill Kristol/Mitt Romney’s 3rd-Party “candidate” could possibly win… then you are a whacked out delusional nut job with a serious case of intellectual insanity.


Sigh. Why are we even wasting time and keyboard strokes on the stupidity of such flatulent quislings as Kristol and Romney? Get back to me when they’ve been buried in the compost pile next to Ross Perot and the Mugwumps.

After all this time of watching the left try to shove it in to America with Obama and break off the handle with Hillary, I should not have to tell Americans that this year it is incumbent upon them to vote for the candidate who is most to the right even if that candidate is wrong.

Yes, yes, I hear your whimpering, whining, and moaning about not getting your favorite of many of this year’s Republican losers is making you upset.

Me too.
I didn’t get my way. Waaaaaaaaa!

Yes, yes, I get that the new boss is likely to be the same as the old boss.

Irrelevant to the game on the ground in 2016. That game is to try to stop the longest run of Democrat rule in the presidency since FDR.

Bearing that in mind you will then, if you love your country more than you love your little imagined 3rd party happy world, vote for the candidate who is most to the right.


Okay, fine, got that.

Now put your old records back on the shelf and vote for the candidate who is most to the right and then….


My favorite sign seen at the Trump rallies throughout the nation in the last few months?

“We came in peace.
This time.”

Now cut the crap and vote for the one who is the most to the right.    found here

6 thoughts on “Deal With It

  1. There is NO left or right. Amerika is a one party system. Trump is a member in good standing of that single “party”. Every bit of him is a lie. So is “Bernie”. The “system” is a con, crafted to keep the rebellious peaceful and the stupid voting.

      1. I’ll still vote for the Trumpmeister over Hitlery any day. Shoot, I’d vote for Kim Jong Un before I’d even consider that fat-ankled, Lesbo criminal.

  2. Touchdown!!!
    larryw says it all and that’s what it’s all about.
    Ok. except for the Presidential decrees!

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