5 thoughts on “Bam!

  1. that guy is impressive, his leg gets taken, politicians abandon practically even gain he helped make happen and treat him like crap as a wounded vet and he still loves the country.

    if I were Donald trump, I’d spend my money making it possible that guys like him would be seen daily by every representative and senator until they stop treating the enlisted and vets worse than the average welfare case.

    1. Michael Moore, Whoopie Goldberg and the rest of the Liberal whiners wouldn’t make a pimple on this man’s ass!

      Let those Democrat Socialist backing turds leave. America would be better off.

      The big mistake made years ago was letting the fucking cowards who ran to Canada to avoid Vietnam off the hook.

  2. As a Canadian, is good to see NATIONAL PRIDE! Americans are the poster child for this. Great picture and post. (Canadians agree by the way).

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