United States Buying Russian Helicopters For Afghanistan

United States Buying Russian Helicopters For Afghanistan

Is it just me, or does this just piss you the hell off. Why the fuck are we paying for helicopters in the first place? Whoever decides on this shit should be strung up. Afghanistan should fight the insurgents as they always have. Not with helicopters paid for by the U.S. and are from Russia. STOP THE MADDNESS!!!!!

The U.S. Army has taken delivery of nine Russian-made MI-17 helicopters for the Afghans from Rosoboronexport under a $375 million contract issued in May 2011, with six more awaiting shipment and another six to be delivered by May 31, Acting Undersecretary for Policy James Miller said in a previously undisclosed March 30 letter to lawmakers. The U.S. has an option to buy an additional 12 Russian helicopters for the Afghans, who have been flying them for 30 years.

Is it just me or is this complete and utter bullshit? The argument is buying from a Russian arms dealer that is also selling arms to Syria. So congressman are pissed about that, not the plain and simple fact that we are buying helicopters for Karzai period. We will be gone in a year. WTF?

The choppers the Pentagon is purchasing for Afghanistan include full Western avionics, navigation, communications and situation awareness capability. Each complete helicopter package costs $16.4 million, according to Army data.


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