Used Car Sales

Used Car Sales

I acknowledged that Trump was running for President, I cringed as he spoke in debates and interviews, I hoped for some kind of substance, I wanted a reason to get on board the train but after last nights debate…..the train has left the station without me.

I tried I really did, but when you want to buy a new Cadillac and the salesman is trying to talk you into a Yugo you question the mans sanity.


Trump is not just a liberal posing as a Republican. He is a moonbat posing as an American.

While Bush 43 was taking the fight to the terrorists and American troops were in harm’s way, the Donald was yelping about impeachment. When the Tea Party reached full steam, he was praising Obama and denouncing America for being racist. Now he’s back to echoing Michael Moore propaganda regarding the Iraq War and 9/11.

Anyone with right-of-center politics who supports Donald Trump has been duped. The guy is a talented salesman. But now the mask is off, so there is no excuse not to acknowledge the mistake.   Keep reading….

As for all the Trump supporters……..c’mon man.tumblr_ml96leMrmO1r34tn8o1_500

5 thoughts on “Used Car Sales

  1. that’s a perfect analogy. I have thought for a while he was nothing but a used car salesman. he tells you how great its going to be but if you ask him any details he goes negative on you immediately because what he is selling is a lemon.
    I hope enough people who are rational heard just how far off he is Saturday to stop his train. I mean yes, there may have been something GW could have done to stop 9-11 and GW screwed up beating Iraq for about 2 years until the surge, but obam had let the entire world become on fire and not GW, romney or mcain would have done that.

  2. Sorry Jeffi

    I’m going with the “Trumpster”. I guess I can relate to him because at 73 years of age I’ve been and still am anti-establishment. Believe me Donald is Anti-Washington D.C. politician club establishment. And whatever “untraditional” methods it takes to blow the detritus,both Democrat & Republican away I’m comfortable with. Mr. Trump doesn’t need to pander for money or play games with assholes (he considers the whole rotten bunch assholes). After 7 years of the Obama cancer America needs to be cleansed with the strongest Chemo & Radio therapy it can get even though it hasn’t been used in clinical trials.

    1. Toejam – Don’t be sorry, go with the guy you like. I would be the last person to try and change somebody’s mind about a candidate. I am just saying he doesn’t work for me. I agree the whole thing needs to be blown up, I just don’t know that he is the man to do it. I will back whoever gets the nod.

      1. If Trump actually gets elected, he will be a full-blown autocrat, trying to do it all himself. It would be far beneath him to even have a Vice President and/or a Cabinet. He seems to believe that he is the know-all, be all of American politics today. And he will sue anybody or any country who has the unmitigated gall to oppose or even disagree with him. That said, he would at least be better, but not by much, than the Islamist fuck-head infesting the White House today.

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