The Company You Keep

The Company You Keep

Me thinks it’s time for a true third party.

Political parties in America have always been coalitions of divergent interests with one or two unifying items. From FDR to Jimmy Carter, the Democrats were Yankee elites running a coalition of ethnic groups, unions, southern populists and intellectuals. That’s given way to a party of Yankee elites running a coalition of fringe weirdos, blacks, immigrants, academic elites and their students. The Democrats are mostly the party of people who went to college and would have preferred to stay there.

The Republicans are not a coalition of anything now. If you are a Southern conservative, you have little in common with the conservative of the northeast. People in Massachusetts, for example, who call themselves conservative and vote Republican, are not religious and they are indifferent on the homos and abortion. Their leaders are often pro-abortion and gay marriage. Contrast that with the Democrats where everyone is violently in favor of abortion.

My formulation of the Republican elected officials is that one third wish they were Democrats, one third just like the easy life of elected office and the rest are genuine conservatives in the traditional meaning of the term. Here….

7 thoughts on “The Company You Keep

  1. Just a correction.

    I’m very much an “old school yankee” here in the NE and pro-life and as far as gays go.. well what you do in your bedroom is no damn concern of mine but don’t piss on my leg and tell me its rain.

    It’s an abomination from the biblical sense and makes no sense from a Darwin point of view either.

    If I was king… I’d half the size of the government on the first day.

    There are a number of conservative folks in the NE but are drowned out by the media and idiots. We quietly go about our business and keep a low profile.

  2. Oh and the GOP? They need to die.

    Clear since Ronnie got out of office they are in bed with the Donks, maybe even before. They don’t mind big gov as long as their hands get to rest on the tiller time to time.

  3. John is right. We need a true second party. The bad part about a third party is all it does is split the Republican vote and strengthen the Democrat vote. That’s how Clinton got in if you remember.

  4. I don’t care if we had 10 Parties, in about 10 years they’d all be equally corrupt. Without strict term limits, banning lobbyists, no golden retirements and strict limitations on campaign donations nothing will change. And I see nothing to make any of that ever happen. Well except an armed bloody revolution.

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