The Agenda

The Agenda

Responding to a mass shooting Thursday on an Oregon campus, President Obama, visibly angry and frustrated, said that such incidents had become so routine that “we’ve become numb to this.”

During a brief televised statement delivered at the White House , the president lashed out at those who oppose gun limits by saying that their answer to such tragedies are more guns, not fewer.

“Does anybody really believe that?” he asked, clearly outraged.


Mr. Obama pointed out that states with more gun restrictions tended to have fewer gun deaths, and countries like Britain and Australia with far stricter gun laws have much fewer gun deaths.  “So we know there are ways to prevent it,” he said.


6 thoughts on “The Agenda

  1. He ‘might’ be correct (can’t say right as that would be politicizing!!) in a warped sort of way. The guns need to be in the proper hands and in the proper place and at the proper time. Just placing guns in the hands of everyone (more or less) would not in and of itself solve the problems.

    1. Gomez – You miss the point, Obama said that states with strict gun laws are better off and should be modeled after, but 45 people shot in Chicago in one weekend. Chicago has the most stringent gun laws in the country, so basically he is either lying to promote more gun control, or he has his head so far up his ass he doesn’t know whats happening in his home town.

      Simply put, he promotes more gun control like Chicago on a national level regardless of the reality that it does not work. It’s insane in of itself and he is an idiot to mention it.

  2. I read yesterday that Chicago, Detroit, New York City, and Washington, DC have more shootings in one year that all the rest of the country combined. But does Mullah Obama have anything to say about that? Noooooo – – –

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