No Filter

No Filter

Trump is at it again with his mouth. I have been trying hard to back him but every time he says something stupid or offensive he pushes me further and further away. To clarify, the only reason I would even consider “voting” for Trump is to shove up hot poker in the eye of the GOP. The establishment Republicans have been doing the same to conservatives so, you know, pay back is a bitch, but I draw the line at personal attacks over someones appearance. Some dumb  scrunt on The View attacked the Kentucky clerk Kim Davis (who I have no opinion on) for being unattractive (which she is) but that is junior high girl fight stuff, is that what we want for our conservative firebrand, I think not.

Trump’s backers are something different entirely. They are post-Tea Party and post-Obama and post-two Supreme Court rulings that convinced them the game was more rigged than they ever believed. Trump represents a vibrant and fed-up mass of people who see the Republican Party as standing for nothing, so they have turned to someone who can beat the party by standing for anything. here..

I would consider my self a post-Tea Party type as mentioned in the quote, that’s why I found Trump refreshing to begin with, but until he can figure out some kind of filter he will continue to alienate true conservatives, which is unfortunate but it is what it is. There is a difference between saying whats on your mind and talking out your ass, Trump needs to understand that difference.


Trump was quoted in a Rolling Stone article released Wednesday as saying, “Look at that face!?” when referring to Fiorina.  I’m not sure if the quote is correct, but my point about Trump stands.


5 thoughts on “No Filter

  1. Absolutely correct. Women should get special treatment no matter what. But it does make you wonder if a woman who must get special treatment all the time can actually be president because no one will give her special treatment as president. On the other hand everyone who has relentlessly said nasty things about Trump’s hair is just fine because he is a man and can take it. Right? That seems to be the interpretation of Trump’s comment. Politics is a dirty game it just doesn’t make sense to me to give special treatment to a politicians because she is a woman or because they are black.

    1. Windy – Good point about the insults Trump puts up with, but it’s not just Carly, he goes after all of his competition with veiled insults. I just think, if he is serious about getting nominated, he needs to form an articulate plan he can lay out and lay off the personal shots.

  2. Trump scares me that he could just be a shill for Hillary. All he does is use the “SIN tactic” as explained by Herman Cain.

    Shift the subject. Ignore the facts. Name call.

    No real solutions and when called on it that is what he does. He is the “leverage candidate” as you posted earlier. He is turning this into a Jerry Springer primary contest. Not what I want my next president to be.

  3. I was leaning toward Trump mainly because he seemed to be telling it like it is, rather than being all wishy-washy like way, way too many politicians do today, in both parties. But when he starts getting on another candidate for her looks, which she has virtually no control over (short of extensive plastic surgery, and who wants that?), he lost me entirely. I now would like to see a Cruz-Fiorina ticket next year. But that is a long time from now and anything could happen between now and the convention next year.

  4. Not that I ever watch it, but, aren’t all the “stars” from the View dumb and hideously unattractive scrunts? Not to even mention how dumb and hideously unattractive said scrunts are, when they open their dumb and hideously unattractive mouths……

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