Boy Scouts PSA

Boy Scouts PSA

It does not matter the argument that anybody can come up with, allowing gay scout leaders is a terrible decision.

A Boy Scout carries a rainbow flag during the San Francisco Gay Pride Festival, June 29, 2014.

You can’t have homosexuals put in charge of young boys. Gay men obviously find other men sexually attractive, considering the fact that gay men are a very small minority of the population, one could assume that finding partners is a bit more difficult than finding a partner of the opposite sex. So now you have gay men who are in charge of a group of boys in a unsupervised environment. It’s like putting a fox in the chicken coop.

Look, you hear about school teachers having sex with their students regular basis, the majority of which are high school students. What makes anyone think that a homosexual will keep their hands off of young boys? This decision on the part of the Boy Scouts of America will destroy the lives of countless boys, mark my words within 6 months the news of scout leader abuse will hit the headlines. 

Any parent who has a kid in the Boy Scouts or is preparing to get their kids involved, I suggest you remove them from the program immediately. I live in one of the most conservative states in the country and a local news station interviewed a man who is gay and is planning on volunteering to be a scout leader, the man was not only out of the closet, he came out flaming. The thought of having someone like that as a leader for any of my kids turns my stomach. Thank goodness my kids are raised, but my nephews and grandsons are not and I will be damned if I will let them be involved in a program that could potentially ruin their lives.

It is my hope that enough people feel the way that I do and the Boy Scouts lose thousands upon thousands of scouts, maybe then they will understand that Americans are not willing to have their kids subjected to the homosexual lifestyle of a gay scout leader, and their decision to appease the LGTB community was a resounding disaster.


3 thoughts on “Boy Scouts PSA

  1. This is why my boys don’t do scouts; the local leader told the parents his new assistant leader was flaming and kept hitting on him so he quit.

  2. The stats show that Gay men are way more likely to sexual abuse little boys than straight men are to go after any children.

    A report from 2002 found there were 8 times as many children abused by gays as by straights and since gays are 2-3% of the population that makes gays 751 times as likely to be a pedophile.

  3. Our three sons are grown now and have kids of their own. But, if any one of them had a scout-master that we found out was gay, my sons would be yanked out of that scout troop immediately, if not sooner. And the same would be said for our daughters if they had a lesbian Girl Scout or Camp Fire Girls leader.

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