A Slap In The face

A Slap In The face

Obama and his liberal butt buddies chose to defame the White House with the rainbow colors of the gay movement. In doing so he has slapped Americans with traditional values right smack in the face. This blatant act demonstrates the loathing Obama has for America.

There is no reasonable argument that homosexuality in any form is good for America. Americans have been inundated with television, movies, and political agendas showing a flowery rainbow world full of beautiful gay folks in their mid 20’s arm in arm being good upstanding members of society. That’s the picture they want you to see. Reality on the other hand paints a far different picture. Let’s put aside the fact that it’s unnatural, let’s ignore the fact that Christians, as a general rule, believe it’s a sin, let’s just look at what homosexuals do for the country.
Does having a gay military strengthen our country? 558e7eeac7eb0
Does having gay politicians (Barney Frank) create better leadership?
Does having gay actors and actresses give our media addicted children good role models?
Is being gay healthy?
Is having gender neutral bathrooms and locker rooms good for anyone?
Are children raised by gay couples capable of growing up without emotional scars?
Is watching flaming gay men parading down main street America in a colored wig and jock strap wholesome entertainment?
As far as I can tell the answer is a resounding NO!!

So if the basic premise of homosexuality does nothing to better the country, why would a sitting president be so supportive? Well, my take on it is he would do or say anything to get re-elected, he wanted a second term so he sidled up with the gay community for votes. Independents are left of center nowadays and they love them some gayness, so naturally Obama “evolved”. He could give a unicorns ass about gay people, he was power hungry so he embraced the the perversion. (though some say he may be a bit light in the loafers himself but I guess we’ll find out after he is out of office and transitions like Jenner).

So Obama decides to splash the White House rainbow skittles and the reason for it was to  show that even though he is considered the worst President ever, he still thinks he is the boss of America. It was a vindictive, petty, child like act which we have grown accustom to seeing from him, and a slap in the face of the people who know him for what he really is.


ps: If you want to be gay be gay, it’s a free country, but when you keep throwing it in our face like Obama has, your gonna get a fight. Some people don’t look the other way.

3 thoughts on “A Slap In The face

    1. Irish – You are correct. When you can’t get anything done as far as policy goes, go for the low hanging fruit, (pun intended).

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