It’s Not How This Works, It’s Not How Any Of It Works

It’s Not How This Works, It’s Not How Any Of It Works

Getting ready to enjoy the first game of the NBA finals but wanted to share a few thoughts on Bruce Jenner.

I will not call him a her, I will never refer to him by his new pet name, I will never post of picture of him in his new weirdness, the man has a mental issue, period. I assume it comes from living in LA, or brain damage caused by hanging around a herd of Kardashians………….any of ’em.

This is another example of the Cult fawning over something that goes against traditional values, it’s their favorite thing to do. In their rush to tear down traditional America they are destroying what the country is all about, Jenner is just a useful idiot, and a perverted one at that.

The thing no one says in all of this is we are required to pretend, along with Jenner, that he is a woman and it is perfectly normal for him to have done what he has done to himself. No amount of pretending, however, can change the fact we all know it is not real. Jenner is not a woman.


In fact, Jenner is a person with a serious mental illness. If he were convinced, let’s say, that he could fly, society would take custody of him in order to prevent him from jumping off a building. He would be deemed a danger to himself and others. Similarly, if he started slashing his wrists or stabbing himself, he would be remanded to a psychiatric facility and appropriately restrained so he could not mutilate himself. Here….

So as I head to the patio to smoke, drink, and watch a basketball game, I will have zero thoughts after this post about the mutilation of Bruce Jenner. Unfortunately we will be bombarded by the Cult with pictures and awards for a has been been who has destroyed himself and his family with an ill conceived notion of his new normal….freak.

By the way, this is what a real woman looks like, know the difference…’re welcome.tumblr_nnyelqA6yQ1rl3d9po1_1280

8 thoughts on “It’s Not How This Works, It’s Not How Any Of It Works

  1. All I want to add is that gender is not fluid it is set by genetics. If you have two X chromosomes then you are a women, if you have one X and one Y you are a Male. A simple blood test can tell if someone is one or the other.

    If I was making the laws I would nip this whole stupidity in the bud by changing the signs on rest rooms to an XY for men and a XX for women. Then no mater what people feel they are they would be required to use the restroom that genetically applies to them.

  2. Even though you are not required to pretend, I would prefer that everyone pretend I am a Trans-Jennered Lesbian. Ya know, when I Tuck My Junk and face the mirror, “I am one SEXY HE/SHE beast.”

    Sorry Jeff, got an early start today on the smoking and drinking.

  3. In reading all the bullshit tripe about Jenner, I have come to one final conclusion to all of this: Who the hell gives a a good goddam? While Jenner was a medalist in the Olympics way back when, he/she is nothing more than a lame and pitiful joke today. Our country has other, more important issues to deal with: ISIS, the upcoming elections, the Clinton Foundation corruptness (of which there seems to be no end), illegal aliens, and the list goes on and on. But we are being subjected to all this Jenner bullshit. And will be until the idiotic lamestream media comes up with another earth-shattering revelation, like Kim Kardashian staying married longer than two days. Now THAT would be real news!

  4. You’ve got that shit dead nuts on. Clone any cell you choose, you get the original. You are not a “whichever trapped in the other body”, you are what you are.

  5. It all goes back to Libs want no rules, no responsibilities and no judgments. It’s just a matter of time before they really push for the acceptance of pedophilia, necrophilia and bestiality. A Godless country without any morals.

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