When Crazy Breeds Crazy

When Crazy Breeds Crazy

It’s one thing for adults to play dress up, pretending they are the other sex. That’s weird and slightly disgusting, but it is a free country. When they demand the rest of us go along with the lunacy, a line has been crossed. Humans come in one of two sexes, male and female. Yes, there are defects where humans posses both a Y-chromosome and two X-chromosomes, but that is rare and not the case with “transgendered.”


When adults begin to subject children to this lunacy, we’re talking about child abuse. The demented woman claiming her boy child is female is just trying to get attention for herself at the expense of her child. The poor kid will end up needing years of therapy to overcome what his mother has done to him, in addition to having to deal with the bad genes he inherited from this nut. Here…

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The perfect example……a normal little girl raised by a bat shit crazy liberal. Sonny must rolling over, you reap what you sow.

4 thoughts on “When Crazy Breeds Crazy

    1. Ron, liberal progressivism is what’s happening to our beloved America. 🙁 They won’t be happy until they’ve destroyed everything that was good about America. Until they’ve accepted every aberrant behavior as normal, until they’ve removed God and the Ten Commandments from every corner of America.

    2. Ron – Just a slow dance toward hell. They didn’t count on a shit load of people who have stood silent, but won’t stand for much more. Kady bar the door when shit hits the fan…liberals will rue the day.

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