When Logic Collides With Social Justice

When Logic Collides With Social Justice

If a pregnant woman is not responsible for the welfare of the child within her womb—the child she willingly helped create—then why should that pregnant woman be responsible for the welfare of a child she has never met? Or a middle-aged man halfway across the country who just lost a job? Or an old woman five states away who needs a hip replacement? Indeed, why should anyone be responsible for anybody’s welfare but their own?

And yet vast portions of the federal government are given over to forcing millions of people to guarantee the well-being of people they have never met, and whose needs (let alone lives) they had no role in creating.


Liberal talking points in 3…2…1


2 thoughts on “When Logic Collides With Social Justice

  1. The Senate is going to confirm Loretta Lynch as Shyster General, replacing Shyster Corporal Holder in the next few days. Lynch has said that she favors late-term abortions. Hell she would probably be all for killing that baby being born when it is half way out of the womb. She will very likely be worse that Holder as Shyster General. If that is even possible. Maybe she is on the fast track to becoming Mullah Obama’s next Monica wanna-be.

    1. Scottie – He who has the power, makes the rules. It’s not supposed to be this way but with a castrated congress, it is what it is now.

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