The Militant 2%

The Militant 2%


I was waiting for all of this Indiana RFRA crap to blow over, obviously it’s gaining ground, not going away.

The gay rights crowd has managed to become the PC group of the decade and with every CEO who steps down they grow stronger. At some point common sense needs to be applied to this argument.

1. Any gay person or couple can go to another business that would be happy to do work with them.

2. All Americans have rights, it goes both ways. 

3. If a Muslim went into a gay florist and demanded they be waited on by a straight person because Islam does not believe in homosexuality, who’s rights have been violated?


Gays can go anywhere, anytime and can find gay friendly business. This is not about rights being violated, this is about the gay community making demands on people who don’t believe the way that they do. Instead of understanding the other side, they demand the other side agree with them or be ran out of business. It’s their way or the highway, which is the way of the liberal left, and since they have the power of the media and Democrats at their whim, they have gone militant.

Until we throw political correctness out the window and stand up for conservative principles, this idiocy will continue. The easy answer is this, if you want to be gay, be gay, just stop the demands. If it weren’t for the gay militancy, Indiana would not have to make a law in the first place.


3 thoughts on “The Militant 2%

  1. The Homosexuals don’t want to go elsewhere. They are cleaning house of all of us that don’t see them as normal. Death to your business if you don’t. The businesses should of doubled their price and watch them leave.

    1. Odie – It’s a sad day when a pizza joint shuts down because of the LGTB crowd yet Hillary runs on. One spoke their mind, the other watched as four people died, God help us.

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