The Motive

The Motive

Evil – Nothing more, nothing less.

When a murder happens we trace back the motives of the killer. Was he abused as a child, did the authorities fail to act in time, what made a once sweet boy turn into a killer? To do the same for September 11 is to travel back over a thousand years and still come away with few answers except that sometimes human evil can be congealed into an ideology and passed along from generation to generation like a virus of hatred and cruelty. keep reading


The best way to pay tribute to the dead is to unlearn our mistakes so that what happened to them will not happen again. Everything else is the fragmentation of self-indulgence, the therapy of tears, the sensitivity of grief, that will ease our pain, but not our fate.

2 thoughts on “The Motive

  1. “But in the Muslim world, war is moral so long as its ends are Islamic– the means are a technicality…”

    That’s why those savages murder innocent women and children – they are just means to an end. I just don’t understand people who don’t get that evil exists in this world, and is personified by islamist ‘extremists.’

    1. Tim – They are a despicable race of people who need the current generations removed from the earth, maybe then you could stand a chance of changing their ideology.

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