The Undocumented Child Scam

The Undocumented Child Scam

The U.S. Border Patrol has reported apprehension of 57,525 UACs in 2014, almost double the 2013 number. However another agency, the Executive Office for Immigration Review is tasked with actually confirming these numbers. It counts a total of 20,814, only slightly more than 2013, (20,778), and once again, most of these are not the young children the media has been showing heart-rending photos of. The fact is that there is no crisis of young, unaccompanied children flooding the border. There are entire families flooding the border.

Now we know why the administration was so secretive about how many “children” were being housed at facilities around the country and where they were being sent. They weren’t children at all. Have you noticed that there is not so much news in the media today about the border “crisis”? That is because the crisis in housing for nonexistent youths no longer exists, if it ever did.

So if the border crisis has gone away, why is Obama still hyperventilating about immigration “reform” and threatening “administrative amnesty” for up to 5 million? The answer: Democrats need those voters now more than ever. More and more Americans realize just how badly we are being ripped off. More and more, Americans are realizing just how far Obama will go to risk terrorist attack from unidentified foreign nationals penetrating our border in order to import the Democrats’ most promising future demographic.

If this isn’t treason, what is?

found here

3 thoughts on “The Undocumented Child Scam

  1. Don’t forget that The Ayatollah has a traitor (in my not so humble opinion) as his Secretary of State. Remember his testimony before Congress back in the 70s. And why hasn’t Hanoi Jane fonda been jailed, or even better, executed, for her giving aid and comfort (and probably blow jobs) to the North Vietnamese back in the late 60s or early 70s?

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