The Cult Of Personality

The Cult Of Personality

I’ve been calling American Liberalism a cult for a long time. I get some grief for it from normal people, because they think I’m engaging in name calling. There’s some truth to it. The word cult has some baggage. We typically think of cults having a leader, a person who is worshiped. That leader is more than a little nuts and eventually leads his followers to a Jonestown like end. Of course, this the point at which right thinking people begin to see I’m probably right about these people. The messianic nature of American Liberalism is not always obvious, but it’s right there if look hard at the Left.

This describes the left in a tidy nutshell, (no pun intended), they have their precious in Obama and they have his far left bat shit crazy useful idiots praising him when it is plain as day the guy is a complete and total failure as President Of The United States.ht_newsweek_cover_barack_obama_jt_120513_wg

They view his progressive policies as victories for the cult. Gay rights, amnesty, nationalized healthcare, and the massive welfare state all have been the language of the left. So Obama is worshiped and he is more than a little nuts, so enjoy the ride to Jamestown as Obama poisons the kool aide for everyone.

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2 thoughts on “The Cult Of Personality

  1. It stands to reason that The Ayatollah would be on the covers of Newsweek and Rolling Stone. After all, those are just about the most liberal off all the rags with the exception of the New York Times, the LA Times, and Time Magazine. Thankfully Newsweek is no longer publishing in print, only on line.

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