Speak Softly But……

Speak Softly But……

You get the reference if your over fifty, and the Obama regime could learn a few things.

Imagine a general from August 2013 being sent back in time to take over the war in August 1945 and then watch as American soldiers are given handbooks on Japanese culture, forced to attend Shinto ceremonies and sent out without artillery and air support to avoid alienating the local population. The command dedicates much of its time to emphasizing that its war is not with Japan or the Japanese people, but a tiny minority of fanatical extremists.

And then watch as the war goes on for two decades.

Such a course might seem more merciful or moral, but it’s neither. It prolongs the pain and suffering for both sides.

The failure by the stronger side to conclude a war when it has the upper hand is not kindness; it’s cruelty. It perpetuates the conflict endlessly, dragging it out and opening the door for a prolonged civilian resistance with all the horrors that terrorism and guerrilla warfare can inflict on both sides.

So quit the token political strike bullshit with ISIS, get it done with every force imaginable. It’s time for a strong message. If Obama doesn’t have the balls, it’s time for a military leader to step up.

There’s some old advice about not drawing a gun unless you intend to use it. It’s true for individuals and for nations. If you go to war, then you had better mean it. Wars are bloody and messy. They’re not for the sort of people who think that putting “Smart” ahead of something automatically makes it better. And “meaning it” means being committed to crushing the enemy. keep reading

Now America faces an enemy whose chief power is hate. The Islamic terrorist has no other real asset except his hate. Unfortunately hate is our weakness. We are an empire terrified of being hated, a world power that shrivels at the thought that someone might not like us. And so the nation that dropped two atomic bombs in August 1945 wilts before the hatred of the Kamikazes of the Koran.

9 thoughts on “Speak Softly But……

  1. Other than the length of the conflict, the current mess reminds me of the Vietnam war, where we let another little group of pissants kick us around, when we had the means to wipe them out.

    I can live with being hated, as long as we are also feared…

    1. Tim – Well said. I think Bush didn’t have an exit strategy for Iraq, but Obama doesn’t have a clue. Time to answer barbarism with the hounds from hell, make these bastards think twice about messing with us. The images I have seen are gut wrenching.

  2. Hey, Tim: That is all true. But remember that the VietNam war was micro-micro managed by LBJ and his sycophant, Robert McNamara, neither of whom was interested in winning that war. Now, unfortunately, we are saddled with an ass-clown who would like to micro-manage this little war, but who couldn’t manage his way out of a soaking wet tissue paper bag. And, that pesky thing going on in the Middle East interrupts The Ayatollah’s golf games, as well as whining about how cold the Atlantic Ocean is (who would have thought?). And we can’t have that, can we.

    1. Scottie – The incompetence of this regime is astounding. Remember we were discussing domestic failures, now he has shown his global failure. Sad days indeed.

  3. A little off topic here, Jeffi. The Ayatollah Obama has been infesting the White House for 6-1/2 years or so. That is 338 weeks. I read where our Golfer in Chief has played his 187th round since being inaugurated. That is almost 2 times a week (1.8 times actually). At least we know where his major priorities lie, don’t we. The golfing, campaigning, fund raising, trashing the Constitution, unsecuring the border, and signing executive decrees all come in as a very distant lead over actually running the country. And, of course. we can’t forget his blaming President Bush for everything bad that has happened since the Titanic ran aground on that iceberg.

    1. Scottie – Since I to am a golfer I have a difficult time bashing someone who enjoys the game, that being said, the son of a bitch currently residing at the white house should be tossed out of office for dereliction of duty for all the vacations and golf the man does. And that doesn’t account for the damage he has already done to the country with his high school politics and policies.

    2. Scottie – He is an empty suit. He is living the high life while the world burns. That is what was elected twice by the likes of the residents of Ferguson. It’s a tribal thing.

  4. Just an FYI: in 1945 we had the War Department. Today we have the Department of Defence. To compound the issue we have not had a strong president since HW Bush and he was a weakling compared to Reagan.

    1. Tsquared – I would just like a President who has some backbone and common sense. We don’t have to go to war every year, but we sure as hell need to send a message to the bad actors in the world. As far as ISIS goes, they need to be vaporized off the planet.

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