Jesse Jacksons Blinders

Jesse Jacksons Blinders

One would think that there are enough problems in this country that Jesse Jackson could really try and help out the less fortunate. But as usual Jackson runs to his soap box with one thought and that is white people are racist, and he is going to point that out.
Jackson stays relevant in the world by race baiting and
maybe he is a tad jealous of his race baiting butt buddie Al Sharpton and his MSNBC gig. Jackson may want his own cable TV show to defend the poor blacks who apparently are not smart enough to stand up for themselves.…according to him. And remember, these two have access to Barack Obama who thinks these con men are just swell.

“This is the next step in the civil rights movement” declares Jesse Jackson, black chauvinist, socialist agitator and scam artist. Jackson has now set his sights on the tech industry, which he says isn’t “diverse” enough.

I have a simple solution. Jackson should form his own high-tech company, and staff it with all these minorities he says are being excluded from good jobs in the currently-existing tech companies. It could be called “Rainbow Tech” or something, and could really show the industry what’s been missing.

Of course, that’s not Jackson’s strategy. The famed “civil rights leader” wants the government to force companies to do what he says. keep reading

2 thoughts on “Jesse Jacksons Blinders

  1. Jesse Jackass hasn’t been heard from in a few weeks, so it is time for him to come out with more of his endless blathering about how bad we whites are and how fucking great all the black people are. That is nothing but blatant racism. Nothing more. Nothing less. Like the old saw about the pot and the kettle.

    If this after-birth from a Mongolian gang fuck, and his cohort in racism, Al Never-Was-Sharpton, were to disappear into their desperately needed obscurity, preferably into a six-foot deep obscurity, the entire country would be a lot better off.

    And, before anyone gets the wrong idea that I am against the black people, I am not! We have a black son-in-law who is just about the finest man I have met in all my 79 years. And what is even more important, he treats our daughter right.

    1. Scottie – It has nothing to do with racism unless Jesse says so. I have long said I don’t care the color of your skin but the character of the man inside, which echoes most white peoples view of blacks. Of course you are going to have the skin head types who hate, but for the most part whites are a live and let live bunch. We don’t need Jesse and Als help telling us how we feel.

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