Bizarro World

Bizarro World

They want us to send more US tax dollars. The people will still come, no amount of money to their governments will stop it. Throwing bad money after good.

“That is a situation that the coyotes are very perversely taking very much an opportunity to exploit,” Mr. Hernandez, speaking through an interpreter, told reporters. […]

Mr. Perez and Mr. Hernandez suggested that more U.S. aid to their countries would help solve the problem.

“We’re dealing with the problem, even with our limited means,” said Mr. Hernandez. “But with the level of complexity of the problem we can’t do it alone.”

Mr. Perez added: “One dollar invested in Central American security is one dollar invested in U.S. security.” keep reading

Can you say waste of money? I can!!

The Good Old Days!Border-620x429

2 thoughts on “Bizarro World

  1. It’s a push/pull problem.

    On the push side, I will agree with them on a couple of points. Much of the drug trade is fueled by US demand. The weaker drug cartels have been forced out of from Mexico and Columbia into Honduras and Guatemala. That criminal activity tends to push non-criminal people away from it. But that doesn’t mean their citizens can waltz right into our country and make themselves at home.

    On the pull side, there is no doubt that lax US immigration policies pull people from other countries here. If we toughen our policies, we reduce the pull.

    So IMO it’s a two-pronged problem. Reduce the demand, either by legalizing recreational drug use or by making it much more difficult and dangerous to grow/smuggle drugs. Likewise make it much more difficult to illegally enter the US, and punish/kick out those who do.

    Of course, no one listens to me…

    1. Tim – We have thrown billions at the war on drugs, thrown thousands of people in prison for using/dealing drugs, and now we are dealing with thousands of illegal immigrants under the guise of refugees fleeing violence. At some point we need to worry about the millions of people that are Americans and the legal immigrants that are already here.

      At the end of the day cartels will get the drugs here, the users will find a way pay for them, and and our prisons will continue to bust at the seams dealing with all of it. The only thing that we do have the power to control is the border, and our government refuses to do so.

      I sympathize with the plight of South Americans but I would also say they are from sovereign countries that need to start doing big boy stuff on their own. We can’t continue too toss taxpayer money around like it’s candy.

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