A Worthless President – Eight Years Wasted

A Worthless President – Eight Years Wasted

8 Years the American people will not get back. If you voted for Obama you should never be allowed to vote again….ever!

The cliché is that “the fish stinks from the head” and it is clear now that the Obama administration reflects the corruption and incompetence of Barack Obama, a Chicago politician who leapt to power despite not even having served a full term as a U.S. Senator. He was elected to be the first black President of the United States and it is no small irony that even African-Americans know he has done little or nothing to address their needs and concerns.


He will not be impeached as he should be, but he will increasingly lack any power other than executive orders. The constitutional system will work, but it will take decades to repair the damage. keep reading

4 thoughts on “A Worthless President – Eight Years Wasted

  1. Some 100-plus years ago, Teddy Roosevelt used to say, “Walk softly and carry a big stick.” The Ayatolla Obama (may his head be forever shit upon) is the exact antithesis of T. R.’s adage. He tromps around like a herd of elephants and carries a wet noodle. It is a goddam shame that the so-called “leader” of the free world is laughed at be most of the other nation’s leaders. I am no fan of Putin’s by anyone’s stretch of the imagination, but he likened negotiating with Obama to playing chess with a pigeon. He kicks over all the pieces, shits on the board, then struts around like he just won the game.

    In Montana, where I grew up, we referred to someone like Obama as all gittyup and no horse. And now we are saddled with this asshole until January 20, 2017. And there are a whole big bunch of burrs under that saddle.

    And we can forget impeachment, at least for now. Speaker Boehner hasn’t any trace of the balls to impeach anyone. And Dirty Harry Reid and his no-load Dumbocrat Senate will never convict him anyway. Maybe after the elections in November, but we shouldn’t hold our collective breaths for it to happen. Turning blue isn’t healthy.

    Another thought from a fucked up mind: Since we refer to the mainstream establishment Republicans, like McCain and his ilk, as RINOs, maybe we should start referring to The Ayatollah Obama as a PINOUS (President In Name Only of the U.S.). And what would we call him using that acronym?

    1. Scottie – Quite the rant you got going on. To your question…”Penis”. And I would add “head” to the end of it. Pure and simple “Dick Head”.

      1. Sorry about the rant, Jeffi. It’s just some of the baggage of a fucked up mind.

        BTW, I like your comment about “Dick Head.” Some of the more forgiving out there sometimes refer to him as BHO. Now I guess we can refer to him as DHO.

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