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Month: October 2017

How Soon They Forget

How Soon They Forget

Dingbat democrat congresswoman and lefty media going after Trump for a condolence call, ignore the fact that Obama and Hillary lied to the families of murdered Benghazi soldiers to their face.




Fucking eyeroll. The American middle class is tired of seeing its wealth destroyed for the sake of non-Americans. It is tired of fighting wars for a high ideal that will surely come into focus and make it all worth it if we just send more troops, wealth, and give it another 10 years. And lastly, the American middle class is bone weary of being lectured by politicians who are long on words and short on accomplishments. Hold the let us, already. Every once in awhile Americans want a little beef.


Across The Pond

Across The Pond

Every American woman I’ve known who has traveled in Europe has talked about how different attitudes are there. Especially in France and Italy, women report that the cat-calling is horrific. In fact, if you pay attention to complaints about cat-calling in America, you’ll notice that the problem has an ethnic aspect. When a video of a woman being harassed on the streets of New York went viral in 2014, nearly all the harassers were black or Latino. This resulted in a discussion among feminists of whether complaining about cat-calling is racist. This is how “intersectionality” works: Only white men are to blame for sexism — and only American white men, because every American liberal believes Europe is better than America.  Here…

What’s Considered Sacred Anymore?

What’s Considered Sacred Anymore?

Kelly gives one of the most succinct and touching explanations about Trumps phone call to the widow of a fallen soldier. Congresswoman Wilson should be ashamed of herself….twice. Take the time and watch all of it if you can.

God bless America and the people who fight and die for her.

Haters Gonna Hate

Haters Gonna Hate

George W. Bush hinted Thursday at his dissatisfaction with Donald Trump, complaining in a New York City  speech that ‘bullying and prejudice’ has become a caustic norm in American public life.

W needs to stay the hell out of this, he had his time in the chair and was part of the problem not the solution, STFU! I don’t care if Trump bullies politicians around, these feckless republican stewards haven’t done shit for three decades. It’s all promises and no action, they want our votes and will lie to our faces to get elected, then when elected or re-elected it’s back to the status quo. The American people are fucking tired of this shit, Trumps gets things done, let him do it.

The former president took issue with a laundry list of Trump priorities, especially his trend toward isolating the United States through foreign policy and avoiding multilateral trade agreements. And he took an obvious shot at Trump’s zeal for hardening border security and moving to limit levels of legal immigration. ‘We’ve seen nationalism distorted into nativism, forgotten the dynamism that immigration has always brought to America,’ he said.

Bullshit! Since when is wanting to keep our national heritage intact a bad thing? All Trump is doing is securing a border that was supposed to be done during both the Bush administrations, at least that’s what they kept telling us. How long did you think Americans  were going to stand for this? The short answer…..November 8th, 2016.

It’s time these so called politicians learned they are not gods or royalty, they were put in place to serve the countries best interests not their own. The beauty with Trump is he doesn’t need special interests, he does need loyal players in his own party, and that includes former republican presidents for hell’s sakes!!

They Just Don’t Get It

They Just Don’t Get It

Just listened to Roger Goodells press conference and the talking heads afterwards, they still don’t get it.

Mr. Goodell said that the owners and players had a “meaningful conversation” about player issues and the owners decided no punishment for players, just a suggestion they stand.

No mention of discussion about fans and their concerns or the belief that players should stand and save their politics for their own time.

Everything centers around billionaire owners and millionaire players but no “meaningful conversation” about the fans.

I was hoping the owners would say enough is enough, obviously none of them get it.

Buh Bye NFL, guess I’ll continue to do something else on Sundays….idiots.

This Is Getting Old

This Is Getting Old

I don’t know how Trump can keep his composure. The latest kerfuffle comes from a phone call Trump made to the widow of a fallen soldier, I’m not going to quote what was purportedly said by Trump, you can read it here, but apparently congresswoman Frederica Wilson knows and smeared Trump with it.

Let me get this straight, a democrat congresswomen, who hates Trump with every fiber of her being, tells a tale of a phone conversation that she was not a part of that disparages Trump and makes him seem uncaring for a fallen soldier and his widow. I call bullshit. I also think that if Trump can prove what was said in the phone conversation, and it isn’t what the congresswoman is stating, he should set in motion her immediate removal from congress.

This is all getting very old. It seems lefty politicians and the media can say whatever they want and their are no repercussions. It’s high time that someone is made an example of. 

And another thing, who in their right minds elects these people?  




This is America… it just is. 

As the national anthem played at the start of a high school football game in Maine, one of the spectators noticed three roofers off in the distance.  She quickly grabbed her camera to take a picture.

Just three ordinary guys, ordinary blue-collar Americans, doing what ordinary American people do.   STORY HERE  The reality of American patriotism is exactly why the NFL is beginning to see this: 

Shamelessly stolen from Sundance at The Last Refuge

It’s Just Business Dummy

It’s Just Business Dummy

You own a large company that sells a specialty product only a dozen other companies have the capability to produce, let’s say booster rockets. Your employees have very specific skill sets and are paid handsomely for what they do. You hired a new engineer a few years back and he blossomed into one of the best engineers in the business, he did so well in fact that you let one of your favorite engineers go and gave the new engineer an enormous raise, you just couldn’t keep them both.

A few years go by and the new engineer starts slacking, he can’t keep up with new technology and isn’t willing to put in the work to get better. He’s under contract so you decide to stick with him hoping he’ll come along. Then you start hearing about complaints he has with your number one client, he thinks the your customer doesn’t hire enough minorities and is racist, this is your best client. He’s becoming a cancer in your business and starting to influence the other employees so you let him go when his contract is up.

Years of training and developing him gone to waste. It’s crushed your business and it’s going to take another five to ten years to rebuild. You’re amazed when your competitors start calling for references on your old employee, they’ve all seen the damage he did to your company yet they want to hear it from you since you know him best. Whether or not you give him a good reference is inconsequential, the damage he did with his baseless complaints against your best client is being felt industry wide.

Nobody will hire your former engineer, they don’t want anything to do with someone who obviously has an axe to grind and they don’t want their business to suffer because some one hit wonder boy feels aggrieved. As his former employer you can’t blame them, it’s smart business, you only wish you hadn’t hired him in the first place.

Now your former engineer is suing not only you but your competitors for unfair hiring practices through his union.

In that context is it fair?


If he was an NFL quarterback would that change your mind?

It shouldn’t, it’s the same thing.
