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Month: September 2017

It’s All Been A Lie

It’s All Been A Lie

Gosh, this DACA two-step kind of reminds me of Obamacare and how gung-ho the True Conservatives were to repeal it when they couldn’t repeal it and how suddenly they turned ungung-ho when they actually could. Weird. If I was cynical, I’d say that it seems like the establishment GOP has been lying to our faces for years and years, but that couldn’t be true because our establishment betters have principles and stuff. 


But the establishment ignored the normals out in America as it gorged on the fruits of the normals’ labor, and that’s why a second axis arose and intersected with the American politician spectrum. This new axis measures pro- or con- regarding the status quo and the ruling class. So now there are really four political parties stuffed into two political party infrastructures:

  1. Right, pro-establishment (The RINOs)
  2. Right, anti-establishment (The Trump voters)
  3. Left, pro-establishment (Hillary’s snobby urban corporatist jerk corps)
  4. Left, anti-establishment (The Bernie/Warren/Stalin Axis of Venezuela)

            This explains why we see the DC establishment unifying to protect its power and privilege – and holding us normals in utter contempt. Most Democrat senators and Republican senators have much more in common with each other than with us – to the GOP establishment, Trump’s clearly the bigger threat than a counterpart across the aisle.     Keep reading…

True Colors

True Colors

Now, with President Obama’s unconstitutional DACA being eliminated, we see yet another example of masks falling. Many republicans will oppose the unlawful Obama DACA program being removed.  This reality only amplifies the signs the Big Ugly confrontation is needed more than ever.  It’s President Trump against a unified DC system.

And the masks come off.

Ryan had said during a radio interview on Friday that he didn’t think the president should terminate DACA, and that Congress should act on the issue.


“My hope is that as part of this process we can work on a way to deal with this issue and solve it through legislation, which is the right way to do it and the constitutional way to do it,” Rubio told CNN in June.


Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch joined Ryan in cautioning Trump against rolling back the program.

There is one political enterprise within Washington DC and national politics. There is only one enterprise. That enterprise is the UniParty. There is only one political party in Washington DC, with two internal caucuses – Republicans and Democrats.   Keep reading…


As for Rubios claim that legislation is the “right way and constitutional way” to fix the issue, where was the legislation when Obama used his executive order to implement the program in the first place? Oh, that’s right, the conservative base doesn’t want amnesty so they lied and opposed DACA with a wink and a nod to Obama to go ahead with his liberal agenda.
There is no other explanation for their current position.