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Month: July 2017

The Second Civil War – (1997)

The Second Civil War – (1997)

  1. “Watch for more help wanted ads stating that job applicants must be bilingual.”
  2. “Watch for indications that the UN is assuming the role of a world government, and that the US is losing even more of its national sovereignty”
  3. “Watch for a certain picture. We’ve all seen this picture countless times before, a picture from Beirut, Budapest, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Yugoslavia, Somalia – a burnt-out tank, perhaps the charred corpse of a crewman protruding through a hatch, and jubilant rebels posing atop the tank waving assault rifles and a flag. Someday we shall see this picture in our newspapers yet again, and this time taken on American soil. The tank, the dead crewman, and rebels will all be Americans, All will be American except the flag, which will be a Mexican, Aztlan, New Africa, or Confederate flag. When we see this picture, it will be too late. Civil War II will be upon us. But there’s another picture we’ll see first, again, one we’ve all seen before from some unfortunate land. But this time it will be taken right here in the US of A – a picture of a dirty, ragged child foraging for food in a garbage dump.

H/T American Digest

Like A Boss

Like A Boss

I have no idea if this is true or not, could not find source, but it’s worth sharing just for the read.

This is one of the best stories we read in a long time. An arborist AKA a tree caretaker and tree surgeon from Redondo Beach, California had to watch the death of one of his favorite trees, which was ordered by the mayor. Although he lost a great battle, he won the war. Find out how he avenged the death of his 30-year-old pepper tree named Clyde.



H/T Ka-Ching

The 19th Hole

The 19th Hole

I would like to alert the powers that be that I have a busy holiday weekend golfing so please keep the shenanigans to a minimum until I return. Thank you.

Glass Houses

Glass Houses

I’m sick of the Dems saying Trump is inappropriate when:

•Ted Kennedy left a woman to die in a river.

•Bill Clinton had weird sex in the Oval Office with a barely legal intern.

•Obama ran guns to Mexican drug lords and gave billions to terrorist states.

•Biden makes creepy and sexist comments and publicly fondles women

•Hillary Clinton endangered Americans, released classified intel, wiped her illegal server and destroyed mobile devices, left 4 American heroes to die and lied about it being caused by some stupid BS video, sold nuclear material to our enemies, and took money from terrorist-producing countries.

•John Edwards was indicted for using campaign funds to hide his mistress.

•Rod Blagojevich is in prison for trying to sell Obama’s senate seat.

•Anthony Weiner…well, need I say more?

Yes, Democrat Party, please lecture us on what is “beneath” a political office. You have so much experience in that area.

Found here….