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Month: May 2017

Throwing Money At Public Education Proves A Waste……

Throwing Money At Public Education Proves A Waste……

……teachers unions and school administrators disagree. Congratulations Democrats.


A recent investigation shows that in six different schools in Baltimore not a single student was able to score proficient on statewide tests for either English or math. This horrific performance is despite the fact that Baltimore schools spend $16,000 per student which is the fourth-highest spending per student in the United States.


The fact that the schools in Baltimore perform so horribly despite receiving one of the highest amounts of funds per student flies in the face of the common liberal arguments that their schools do poorly because of a lack of funding. In fact, astudy by The Heritage Foundation found that there has been no significant increase in school performance despite massive increases in spending.    here….

Paper Tigers

Paper Tigers

It’s hard to dismiss the fact that the powers trying to demonize the Trump administration have been successful. It’s also embarrassingly obvious what they are doing and the ease at how it’s being done. None of this will end well.

Bolstered by their partisan allies, the media has acted as a beachhead for the assault on the Trump administration. Partisan organizations like Media Matters for America have helped to provide ammunition to the media and pour fuel on the fires of resistance among partisan activists. Eric Boehlert, a former journalist and now a writer at Media Matters, tweeted, following the revelation of a possible memo from Comey: “Trump obstructed justice THREE WEEKS INTO HIS FIRST TERM”


Boehlert provides no actual evidence of obstruction of justice. Rather, he runs with an intentional media narrative that the mere whisper, the idea, is in-and-of-itself proof that obstruction occurred. Thus Boehlert is affirmative in his tweet, not speculative. Because the administrative state, the progressive political partisans, and the media oppose the Trump administration, any whiff of maleficence is treated as the Gospel Truth.



These series of tweets illustrate the broader problem of collusion between the various elements of the partisan Left, the media, and the administrative state. The attack on Trump from within and without is coordinated and purposefully geared to make a lack of evidence seem like a mountain of evidence and be as damning as possible, although what it truly amounts to is a paper tiger. With the administrative state leaking and the partisans giving context, the media gins up a plot that declares Trump guilty of crimes of which there is no concrete evidence he committed. This is how you build the consensus behind a coup d’etat.      here….


California Screamin’

California Screamin’

Just a thought for Californians, you may want to put a leash on your elected officials before people on the other side take offense. Right leaning individuals will only take so much of these classless actions by these supposed politicians.

“The world, literally the world, is counting on all of you, counting on California to reject Trump’s deception and destructiveness,” said Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, who is among a crowded field of Democrats running for governor next year.

 U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris, often mentioned as a potential candidate for president in 2020, accused Trump of putting “Russia first, America second.”

In a sign of the vigor of the party’s distaste for the president, outgoing party Chair John Burton, a longtime Democratic lawmaker and power broker known for his blunt and profane manner, extended two middle fingers in the air as the crowd cheered and joined him.

“F— Donald Trump,” he said.

And here you have Nancy Pelosi laughing along with the other upstanding democrats flipping off the President of the United States. Your moonbat Governor called Californians “Free Loaders”, your business are fleeing the state, your taxes are the highest in the country, your cities are being overrun by third world illegal immigrants, and your middle class is becoming non-existent.
Keep it up you lefty asshats, eventually your population will respond.   H/T The Gateway Pundit for quote & image.


Rats In The Cellar

Rats In The Cellar

The Washington machine has been ratcheted up to full power. Groups from both sides have converged with the main stream media to bring down a sitting president.

Trumps team is trying to play by the rules, they terminated Flynn, AG Sessions recuses himself, they do their best to appease the GOPe, all the while the “Machine” is taking these offerings and twisting them into a political weaponry. It’s past time trying to play fair, it’s time to get down and dirty. The swamp. aka the “Machine”, is a filthy corrupt extortion ring that has been pilfering the countries treasure for decades.

The government behemoth has no edges, it’s a circular being that absorbs scandals back into itself where people like Lois Lerner can walk away unscathed. I can’t think of one person who has been a part of a congressional investigation that has been removed from their position, lost their pension, publicly shamed and banished from ever working in government again, it just doesn’t happen. 

Trump is facing a deep state and media that’s not worried about repercussions. If you tell a lie enough times people begin to believe it.

 Wolf Blitzer whispers impeachment.
Rachel Maddow ponders impeachment
Anderson Cooper wonders why impeachment proceeding haven’t begun
Dem Congressman demands impeachment from the House floor
Jon McCain blurts out “Watergate” in reference to Trump
A Republican Congressman gets on board with impeachment talk

I wouldn’t say that Trump’s in over his head, I would say he is fighting an uphill battle. The amount of resources being brought to bear against him is enormous, his people may be savvy but the rats are clever, they are bringing body blows while Trump throws haymakers, problem is he’s not landing them. 

I hope he keeps fighting but he may want to re-think his strategy, you can’t fight fair when the other side has no issues with hitting below the belt.

This isn’t a smear campaign, this is an organized coup by the Washington machine that refuses to concede power to a political newbie like Trump.


Lest we forget, this is what the rats in Washington look like



Winters Getting Longer…

Winters Getting Longer…

Big winter type storm headed to my neck of the woods, snow in the mountains, rain/snow mix in the valleys. Seems appropriate for the news out of Washington.

The Trump Scandal Machine is working overtime to take down this presidency, much like this late winter storm, it’s getting very fucking old.

Your fault, my fault, nobodies fault, this is not good for the country.

Find the source of the leaks and make and example of them, this game of gotcha politics has to end.

That is all.

A Barren Wasteland…

A Barren Wasteland…


Mr. Macron, for example, is childless. So is German leader Angela Merkel. So is British Prime Minister Theresa May. The President of Italy has three kids, but Italy’s Prime Minister is childless. So is Mark Rutte, Prime Minister of Holland. Mark has some fun with Belgium: the current Prime Minister has two kids, but the previous one was a childless homosexual.


Why, Mark wonders rhetorically, would we expect these barren politicians to think hard thoughts about the world of twenty, fifty, eighty years from now? They have no personal stake in that world.    here….

Bingo!worldsmostimportan (2)

 Ranked on a scale from one to ten, as matters that are important to our future—the future our children and grandchildren will inhabit—that graph is a ten. Global warming is a two or a three; Russian interference in last year’s election is around a zero point zero one.