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Month: June 2014

Sad But True

Sad But True

The traditional male lead has been fading for years. Movie tough guys are long gone. Instead we get cartoon characters like Batman or Spiderman. Then you have the cartoonish guys like Hugh Jackman. Otherwise, male leads are funny self-effacing lesbians with a dick. 


The Tipping Point

The Tipping Point

“Good will always prevail, but there is no limit to the amount of suffering that will be required for that victory to occur. If men stand up early on, the suffering will be minimized because it will be spread over many people. The worst that might happen is that some folks go to bed scared for a while, but widespread bravery will allow good to prevail without much suffering. If, however, there is a decided lack of courage displayed by a large group or society early on in an advance by the powers of evil, that aggregated courage requirement will be borne by a relative few at a later time. The longer this goes on, the worse it will be for the few who have to bear the weight of the cowardice of the broad society.”

I am afraid we have passed the tipping point where the few will have to deal with the apathy of the people of this once great country.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. – Edmund Burke


Nailed It

Nailed It

The puzzle is why in the world would Obama sign off on this?

That’s what brings me back to the weirdo factor. To an American, a soldier who walked away from his post is hard to defend. One that joins the enemy is intolerable. We all know that. Some of us may have sympathy for the guy or blame his defects on larger issues, but even the most liberal American draws the line at helping the enemy. It is why Jane Fonda remains an object of revulsion for most people.


For Obama, none of this registers. Obama has put a lot of time and effort into showing the Muslim world he relates to them and respects them. This has been assumed to be in reaction to the cowboy tactics of Bush. Today it seems like Obama really does relate to the Muslim world more than he relates to America. He seems to have more respect for the Taliban, which he never fails to pronounce with a foreign accent, than he does the US military.


Presidents are usually strange ducks. Reagan had no friends and lived an unconventional life. He was thoroughly American. Clinton was a very strange man, but he was a familiar picaresque figure in southern politics. Even Poppy Bush was a familiar character on the American scene. Obama is a cross between vacuous French intellectual and African despot. He’s nothing like anyone you have ever known.


We have a deeply weird man in the White House and the results have followed. keep reading

Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Curtain

Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Curtain

No matter how pissed off some may be about the Bergdahl situation, one might take time and think about the other news that droz-man-behind-curtain-2opped the same day.

The chief of the Environmental Protection Agency on Monday justified the EPA’s sweeping new regulation on power plant emissions as a necessary step to prevent catastrophic increases in both the Earth’s temperature and sea levels. “If we do nothing, in our grandkids’ lifetimes, temperatures could rise 10 degrees and seas could rise by 4 feet,” EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy said in a Washington press conference announcing the new rule.

Really? Show us the data. Baseless facts prove nothing…and we have heard this fear mongering before.

McCarthy also blamed climate change on rising medical bills, higher insurance costs, and an increased frequency in devastating storms.[…]

No kidding? I had no idea that a .00000% temperature change in the last 16 years would effect anyone. What do I know.

One thing I do know is that this regime is very schooled in the art of distraction. It would not surprise me that this prisoner exchange was just a shiny object for the media to chase to take the pressure off Obamas efforts to wipe out the energy sector of this country. I think destoying more of the economy and rising energy bills for the average American is more worrisome than this particular situation with an AWOL soldier who may or may not be a traitor.Call me old fashioned.

Answer The Question

Answer The Question

Did Bergdahl desert his post or not? Susan Rice said he served honorably, Sean Smith, a soldier who was in his outfit said he deserted. So what is it? Rumor has it his disappearance was under investigation as a deserter, well you can’t have it both ways.

If he deserted he should have been left to the Taliban. If it was a misunderstanding and he was captured against his will then I’m glad he is back. Either way somebody has some ‘splainin to do.

His Dad certainly does not promote a lot of faith in the latter.


At the end of the brief event, the soldier’s father, Bob Bergdahl, recited the most frequent phrase in the Koran — “Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim” —which means “In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Compassionate.”

After Bergdahl finished his statement and his praise for Allah, Obama hugged him.