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Category: Gun Control

California Dreamin’

California Dreamin’

But there are problems with using California as a role model, starting with the fact that California sucks. 

Oh, it doesn’t suck for rich guys living by the beach like Jack and his hipster buddies. California is pretty great for bros like him. But the guys who cut his lawn and wash his Tesla and feed his pet pandas, well, not so much. The article claims, “California Democrats actually cared about average citizens.” Yeah, uh huh. Drive 10 miles inland from the beach and California dreamin’ becomes California nightmarin’.

California is a bankrupt failed state that is essentially Illinois with palm trees and better weather. Outside the coastal urban enclaves where Jack and his pals mingle, drinking kombucha and apologizing for their white privilege to their baffled servants, it’s a crowded, decaying disaster. Bums wander the streets, littering the sidewalks with human waste. Crime is rising. Illegal aliens abound, more welcome in the Golden State than actual Americans. California is an example all right, but a cautionary one.   keep reading……


Liberal Wet Dream

Liberal Wet Dream

Retired Supreme Court Judge John Paul Stevens wrote an oped Tuesday in the New York Times calling for the repeal of the Second Amendment of the US Constitution.

That support is a clear sign to lawmakers to enact legislation prohibiting civilian ownership of semiautomatic weapons, increasing the minimum age to buy a gun from 18 to 21 years old, and establishing more comprehensive background checks on all purchasers of firearms. But the demonstrators should seek more effective and more lasting reform. They should demand a repeal of the Second Amendment.


Link to the link, I won’t link to New York Times


Hitler Mini Mi David Hogg Wasn’t Even At The School During The Shooting UPDATE:

Hitler Mini Mi David Hogg Wasn’t Even At The School During The Shooting UPDATE:


While the CBS interview is confusing and suggests that he originated at home, it may be referencing that he went home and came back subsequent to the lockdown.    here….


Yet he told reporters that he was.

Anything this kid says from here on out can be assumed a lie and he should be shunned and ignored. His parents should be publicly shamed and humiliated for raising such a piece of shit. This is not a small thing he’s done.

DAVID HOGG: On the day of the shooting, I got my camera and got on my bike and road as fast as I could three miles from my house to the school to get as much video and to get as many interviews as I could because I knew that this could not be another mass shooting.

This was what he said on the day of the shooting and since:

From Sun Sentinel:

Senior David Hogg was in an AP Environmental Science class at about 2:30 p.m. at Stoneman Douglas High School when he heard a gunshot.

The fire alarm then went off for the second time that day. Students started to run out of the school. Hogg said he saw a “flood of people” running toward him.

He then interviewed the students in the closet, he said.

Found here…..

Sunday Ramblings

Sunday Ramblings

The more I think about the Omnibus Spending bill the more I realize the #nevertrumpers plan to defeat Trump. They can’t get him ousted by a special counsel or a congressional intelligence committee, they don’t have the votes for impeachment and the Justice Departments/FBI double secret backup plan backfired bigly. So what can be done? Think about the furious reaction to Trump signing the spending bill, establishment politicians just bluffed Trump into demoralizing and splitting his base, some will be Trump supporters regardless of this mistake, other Trump supporters just jumped off the train.

How do you rid yourself of Trump…..destroy his base. Well played swamp rats, well played.


Once again progressives have trotted out a bunch of high school kids under the premise of national outrage about guns. Limp wrist lefty protege David Hogg and his teenage contemporary self proclaimed Latin lesbian Emma Gonzalez are relishing their fifteen minutes of fame and the left is doing everything they can to keep them in the spotlight. I don’t blame the snot nosed kids for basking in the bright lights, children are easily manipulated because they have no life lessons to fall back on, the fault lies with lefty non-profits and their media propaganda wing taking advantage of small minds.tumblr_inline_p64ff5sVRw1qjdi53_500

The kids out in front of this fiasco need a good ass whoopin’ that obviously their parents neglected to do, the non-profits organizing the “march” need their tax free status revoked. Two can play at this game.


Celebrities are jumping on the Parkland bandwagon. The last I saw Hollywood has it’s own problems regarding some sexual shenanigans yet they still choose to stick their altered noses into anything liberal. Let’s do this, the moment Hollywood removes guns from all of their films, then they can take a side, until that time happens…..STFU, you have no right being anti-gun when you’re in a movie shooting guns.

The student journalists said they requested an interview with Mr. Clooney and his wife Amal, who donated $500,000 in support of the march, but the Clooneys declined, sending them a letter instead

“Amal and I stand behind you, in support of you, in gratitude to you,” he added. “You make me proud of my country again.”

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