Obama Pushing For Latino Vote…..Hard

Obama Pushing For Latino Vote…..Hard

Why would Obama stop deporting illegals?  Is it in the best interest of the country? Of course not.

One reason and one reason only, bribing the Latinos for votes in the mid-terms. He is not worried about re-election so he can do pretty much whatever he wants, and it may work.

The tribal theory that a race will do whatever it takes to see members of the same ethnic group succeed answers the question why it will work. Latinos don’t care what there fellow Latinos did, they just want more of them around, and Obama is offering just that. He is telling them he wants all of their people to come to America…laws be damned…and in doing so he expects votes, same thing LBJ did with the war on poverty.

Simple process really, and nobody has figured out how to stop it.trigger

Enforcing immigration law “isn’t smart,” President Barack Obama told law enforcement officials Tuesday, just one day after the public learned he had released 36,007 illegal-immigrant murderers, rapists, thieves and other criminals into the nation’s communities. Cops should be going after major criminals, not the many illegal immigrants that are quietly living in their districts, said Obama, who has twice sworn to uphold the nation’s laws.


“You’ve got to spend time dealing with somebody who is not causing any other trouble other than the fact that they were trying to make a living for their families,” Obama said. “That’s just not a good use of our resources. It’s not smart. It doesn’t make sense,” said Obama, who has already directed immigration police to minimize enforcement of illegal living far from the border.

Polls consistently show the public favors a stronger crackdown on employment of illegal immigrants.

On May 12, the Center for Immigration Studies released government documents showing that Obama’s deputies released foreign 36,007 foreign criminals who had committed crimes in the country, instead of deporting them.


The illegals “are folks who are woven into the fabrics of our communities,” he said. ”Their kids are going to school with our kids. Most of them are not making trouble; most of them are not causing crimes. And yet, we put them in this tenuous position, and it creates a situation in which your personnel, who have got to go after gang-bangers and need to be going after violent criminals and deal with the whole range of challenges, and who have to cooperate with [the federal government] around our counterterrorism activities.” Read more: 

So the Liar – in – Chief continues to flaunt the laws of the land, (unless there his), and is making ground with the simpletons who fall for his used car sales pitch. If Latinos think Obama gives a rats ass about them and theirs I suggest they take a good hard look at the black community Obama promised to help. 

6 thoughts on “Obama Pushing For Latino Vote…..Hard

  1. The Ayatollah Obama wants all the criminal illegals, regardless of where they originated, to vote. And the Dumbocrats are strongly, extremely strongly, for ending voter ID laws. I wonder why. Even Boss Tweed, back when he was running New York City 100 plus years ago, was not even this corrupt. When talking about elections, Tweed would say to keep recouinting the ballots until you get the results you want. Remember Florida in 2000?

    1. Scottie – The plan is tried and true, and the Dems know that, that is what scares the hell out of me. Obama will push amnesty and so will his comrades in the party, and the GOP is trying to get onboard to sway the same minority with the same promises. It’s about getting elected and retaining power regardless of the damage they are doing to the country.

      1. I just read on Conservative Byte that they are asking whether releasing 36,000 criminal illegals is an impeachable offense. I believe that it probably is, but I am no lawyer, just a retired oil field trucker. But even if it is an impeachable offense, so what? Our totally gutless House of non-Representatives won’t do a goddam thing about it like they haven’t done a goddam thing about all the other more obvious impeachable offenses the Ayatollah Asshole has committed in the last six or so years.

        1. Scottie – Unfortunately impeachment is deserved for more than this latest act, but nobody in DC has the balls to impeach the first black President, just wont happen.

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