Tucker Bailed – UPDATE

Tucker Bailed – UPDATE

I’ve seen more video on twitter than what Tucker showed, sad.

5 thoughts on “Tucker Bailed – UPDATE

  1. The commies running Faux News like the ratings/money Tucker brings them but when he starts pushing too hard against the lefts actions the DNC calls the brass saying shut Tucker down. And being good commies they do as they are told.

  2. not suprised. neal boortz was last talk guy who pulled no punches. imo, he realized in electing obama the usa was destined for the decline of the usa empire and bailed out to enjoy his life.
    tucker, hannity, ingraham are just commentors on the decine imo; they will actually stop nothing. its up to america to not follow rome and england as empire that eventually became a spot in history.

  3. There’s 2 catagories of Americans now:

    1- The Progressive Control freaks who will stop at nothing to destroy traditional America.

    2- Those who are too comfortable with their $85,000 Pick-Ups, SUVs, iPhones, Social Media and are frightened of losing them

    We have met the enemy and they are us.

  4. I do not think these are the end of the videos of the Capitol and the Capitol area from Tucker. It is clear that there is more videos of Police attacks on the J6 protesters that had a pre-attained protesting ok for the Capitol grounds on J6 that were started by the Metro Police.

  5. Wednesday night sucked. Tuesday seemed like a meaningful change up, but Wednesday was just Monday lite. Pathetic. Two days to redeem himself and Fox.

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