

7 thoughts on “Agreed

  1. And that is the heart of the matter. If Biden and the Dems want to know why there is such a strong anti-vax sentiment, they only need to look in the mirror. They politicized it. They lied about various aspects in order to bring Trump down. Faucci and the Dems are the most untrustworthy collection of political whores there are.

  2. It’s not like there was much trust there in the first place, about as much as I would trust a Rattlesnake to begin with but once that trust is betrayed it never, ever comes back.

  3. I agree with the late philosopher G. Carlin. ” If the government says it is true, it probably isn’t, at least the way they stated it”. If you approach all official pronouncements with the same suspension of belief you might actually see the man behind the curtain and discover the ” Great and Terrible Oz” is just a tired old trickster. I have no intention or interest in the Kung Flu shot, but it has an interest in me.

  4. I have researched the virus and the vaccines. The vaccines are reported by multiple research doctors that they are not good to the body. I also saw at the start that there was low cost existing solutions, but these were shot down because Trump suggested it.

    Big Pharma, MSM, and the government is tied into the vaccines, which have given Big Pharma a pass from being sued for people having physical problems. The vaccines have not been approved by the FDA and people still are getting COVID virus even after taking vaccine shots.

    1. Not entirely accurate, JG. Low cost solutions were denied because if they officially existed, the FDA could NOT legally grant emergency approval for the vaccine.

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