Who Is The Kook?

Who Is The Kook?

Listen to Marjorie Taylor Green defend herself against the liberal media and political attacks them compare that with AOC, Talib, Ohmar, and Waters.  Don’t believe the lies from both sides.


One thought on “Who Is The Kook?

  1. Is there one rep in the House that will tell the dems to fuck the fuckity fuck off???

    How can the opposition strip our sides’ committee appointments? Why hasn’t one other R House member stood with this woman? Tom Tancredo, after he served his 3 terms, use to sub for Mike Rosen and tell stories about the way things happened in the House. And if you weren’t on board with “leadership” you better get used to your basement office assignment because you just weren’t gonna get to play.

    Congress is worse than the Federal Assembly in Russia. ANYONE that thinks we have the slightest bit of representation in Congress by the Republican Party is fucking delusional.

    Next? Some strongly worded tweets from Jim Jordan. Fucking sickening.

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