5 thoughts on “Maybe?

  1. So I am seeing all this crap about how good it will be to leave 2020 behind. Well, whoop-de-frigging-doo! I guess the virus BS will miraculously disappear. Restaurants, bars, and small brick and mortar stores will open with abandon. Restaurant workers will now be so busy they can’t keep up the work and the owners will be bidding for employees. Landlords will all get their back rent. Bankruptcies will end and home foreclosures will be a story you talk about years from now to scare the children. Drug and alcohol abuse will abate. Suicides will be a bad memory. Families will be made whole and we will finally overcome racism, misogyny and homophobia will disappear like a fart in the wind. Crime will be a thing of the past. Everything will be free. Muslims will love all faiths and peoples and the bonus will be an honest government-run by Joe Biden!! Wake me in 2022 and let me know how wonderful 2021 was.

  2. regarding that quote, that’s how i see the future usa, maybe not that extreme but if you’re not a multimillionaire or a lawyer, you will not be able to keep govts in dire need of money from taking yours, be able to defend yourself and family from a roving mob coming down your street and taking everything of worth out of your house and leaving you and the family dead with no cops coming because they were defunded years ago.
    not to go all glenn beck but about the best thing yo do for your future longevity imo is be debt free and own a house on a good plot of land in montana, idaho or one of the dakotas. if you live in houston, san diego or any other large city near the southern border; you are asking for it; and it is coming

  3. I was out in the forest yesterday and realized I never packed the new rig with any tp. I’ll never look at masks the same again.

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