Weekend Vacation

Weekend Vacation

I’ll be gone for the remainder of the week and weekend so you won’t see any new posts until probably Tuesday. Hopefully things will have settled down by the time I get back, (doubtful but I’m hopeful).

As far as the current state of our Constitutional Republic, I don’t want to hear another word about gun control, the debate is over. If the democrats want to destroy the country with their brown shirt proxies then every American should be armed to the teeth and be willing to use whatever force necessary to protect their clan and property…..period.

I don’t want to hear another word about the Wuhan flu, if they let the protesters rioters link arms, hold hands, throw Molotov cocktails, bricks, rocks, and burn buildings then we should be able to go to church, golf, and gather in public….just like the free range protesters rioters are being allowed to do.

For me…fuck ’em all, I’m going golfing.  The lovely below is echoing my sentiments exactly.

8 thoughts on “Weekend Vacation

  1. Too bad you ain’t going golfing and shooting with said babe, but, iffn’ ya are married or have a steady squeeze she might like that idea… Have fun, try to stay out of the rough.

  2. Quit looking up to see where it’s going! Brahaha – oh that me and my game. Have a blast and then come back and tell us how the Camaro is coming.

  3. Step away from the computer and forget the internet even exists. Have fun, enjoy the fresh air, and drink copious amounts of whatever adult beverage you imbibe.

  4. i may move into your house while you are gone. for some reason i believe you are in wyoming, and they have the most guns per person and it is not even close.
    that’s a place i need to be.

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