Trump Announces He Has Been Taking Hydroxychloriquine For Two Weeks

Trump Announces He Has Been Taking Hydroxychloriquine For Two Weeks

Leadership! He just spanked the little bitches and their “it will kill you” narrative about HCQ.

FOX news clown Brett Baier is losing his shit along with the normal legacy media pin heads.

7 thoughts on “Trump Announces He Has Been Taking Hydroxychloriquine For Two Weeks

  1. I imagine most of the upper level administration personnel are taking the Hydroxychloroquine along with many of the upper levels of congress. Maybe even Supreme Court members.

  2. Trump must clank when he walks. Major ones – Fake News is losing their shit over this.

    Why is Fake News so threatened over this ? Afraid of being proven wrong (again) ? All I hear about this is that Hydroxycloroquine (sp?) is not proven and can be harmful, but they don’t report the good reports from foreign countries who have used it successfully.

  3. Bret Baeir is a “wanna-be-fair” stooge. He tries to straddle the fence and all he achieves is making the savage Democrats chuckle out loud. So pathetic!

    1. I do not like brett, never did; when hume was leaving there was another anchor, Kelly wright; and I was really hoping he would have got the job; he had a much better anchor feel to me; brett still looks like a fat kid doing news.
      (and wright is a black guy. yep me a supposed racist goper wanted the black guy)

  4. I’m supposed to believe that a drug that has been around since 1945 is suddenly ‘dangerous’? Fox should have dumped Cavuto and put Trish Regan in charge of the Business Network, instead of dumping Trish…

  5. I cannot believe it but I am actually somewhat grateful for working 15 hour days and missing all this virus news BS. with retirement from my 401k now out the window from the bat virus at least I do not have to watch the BS and can work instead.

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