The Lost Spring

The Lost Spring

I look forward every year to the beginning of spring. I’m an avid golfer, spring gets the juices flowing.

My backyard is a golf course. The mowers are busy, sprinklers are blasting huge streams of water with a familiar ratchet then faster ratchet back over and over again, it’s very relaxing.

Leaves sprouting, blossoms, tulips, and green green grass growing, it is without a doubt my favorite time of the year.

Not this year.

I’m not sure what it is, the worlds been turned upside down. These oppressive rules by our elected officials and the people that follow them without question is stunning on it’s face and troubling when you really drill down on it.

I think we have been duped, I think this will turn out to be a very nasty flu season and that’s all. It’s beyond frustrating, I still have a job so this crisis won’t effect me financially, I can’t imagine what people who have lost jobs are feeling. In January the economy is booming, spring is on it’s way, excitement in the air, then boom, everything changed. 

The optimism, the happiness, baseball and apple pie…..all gone. 

All gone due to models that have proven to be not only wrong, but fantastically wrong, astronomically wrong, incompetently wrong, yet the experts who designed the models still tell us what’s required of us. And we follow.

This can’t go on any longer, it goes against everything this country stands for, they’ve effectively taken away the American dream and more importantly, Americans freedom. It’s not supposed to be like this.

We have lost 17 people in my state due to the virus…..17.  Schools done for the year, restaurants, salons, bars, and a variety businesses closed or forced to close. People avoiding each other literally like they have the plague, all for what, the loss of 17 in a state of 3.2 million? And this state didn’t have a mandatory lock down.

The people followed like sheep all acting as if they are doing their part to save the planet. We’re inundated with commercials, emails and PSA’s telling the populace what they are required to do to stop the spread and do their part. They had me in March…..they can’t have me no more.

This needs to stop and it needs to stop now. America has to accept the losses as painful as it may become, if this continues the mortality rate from Covid-19 will pale in comparison to those we will lose to the loss of jobs, freedoms, and hope.

I’m pushing 60, I have some vices, I have no problem going back to pre-virus days of shaking hands, hugging, and gathering with friends at the local pub. I’m willing to take my chances….we’ve lost our minds, we’ve lost our spring, let’s not lose our country.

11 thoughts on “The Lost Spring

  1. Poor Baby….

    This is a new virus. Available information is irrelevant or “Bull Sh*t”. There were some “interesting” videos out of China of people dropping dead as they walked along the sidewalk. The only for-sure was from Italy, which was doing OK until the healthcare system failed, at which point the bodies stacked up.

    The tactic selected was to slow the disease spread so the docs could limit the death toll. Clearly, rural Arkansas isn’t New York City. Some people are intelligent and detail-oriented. Some people are too stupid to survive. Some people are unlucky. Some people don’t know that there are other people in the world. Action, even at the state level, is a blunt tool.

    Hong Kong went all in with isolation . They have no economy left. They had little disease and a trivial number of deaths. In March, when they tried to open up, they got a surge of disease and death. No one, even the Mormons, can lock down for the 1-2 years until there is a vaccine. Do nothing and we go like Italy. Iran used it as an excuse to modernize and include front-loaders and bull dozers in their funerals.

    Let’s balance “freedom”. If you sneeze within 100 feet of me, do I get to claim self-defense when I put a Cal 30 in your skull?

    I don’t know of a good answer, but I did make sure that I had a lot of shiney brass thingies in case…..

    So where is your limit? County line? State line? Or just people you don’t like? You know, Them People. Every list of special people turned into political sh*t. Those are the people who made this beast in China and then turned it loose. Probably a fool janitor who was a brother-in-law of an institute director who was a drinking buddy of the province Party leader. Just like Chicago, but with nuclear weapons. All “essential” people.

    C’mon. I’d love to hear your plan to save America.

    1. Oh Mikey – Luckily for me I can go back through my comments without having to go through all of my posts. You my good man have been quite the contrarian. I’m not gonna waste alot of oxygen on this.
      Poor baby? Poor people, poor country, poor sheeple.
      New York vs. Rural America…yep. My little corner of the world hasn’t been hit, but we have shut down like we were LA, stupid.
      Not sure your point on Hong Kong but it certainly shut down the protesters.
      Mormons? Really?
      Stay home and play with your shiny things if you don’t want to be sneezed on, solves that problem.
      To put a bow on it… the country for business, states with lowest death rate first with a close eye on spikes. Keep the vulnerable home in those states. Let’s see how bad this bug really is. I gotta hunch it’s not as bad as the “experts” say.
      Thanks for your participation.

  2. “I have no problem going back to pre-virus days of shaking hands, hugging, and gathering with friends ”

    used to be I knew someone was normal and rational if I talked about religion and they did not freak out, it’s about to get much easier to tell. if someone will not shake hands or hug or has hand santizer on them; they are lost and have become sheep. this thing will have killed about 1 thousands of 1 percent of the population, less than diabetes and I am changing my worldview ? I do not think so.

  3. I, too, reside on a golf course. But all I can do is sit on my patio and watch the fairway grow. Hey? no divots. Sure I get to walk the course for exercise but it’s heartbreaking none the less.

  4. It’s sad that I hear, more often than not, the sentiments of the poster above. People have it absolutely backwards in the nation these days. No where, throughout all of history, has anyone acknowledged or even suggested the right to be free from contact with pathogens in the public square. That is because it is impossible to achieve and therefore not a human right. What is codified is the right to free association, which in this case, means that if you are such a terrified consumer of government/media fear porn, you have the right to stay home. You do not have the right to force me to stay home.

    I’m with you, open it up, let the people make their choices and deal with any consequences like responsible adults. Though with the number of asymptomatic cases rising, the mortality rate of this thing keeps dropping.

    As to the “interesting” videos out of China showing people dropping dead on the sidewalks, there is no context, date, time, location, or follow-up. Plenty of interesting videos out of Syria turned out to be hoaxes. Question everything.

    1. I agree 100% with Smoker78. This is insane!!! We are destroying the world with the ‘cure’ which really is not a cure. There are people that say lets keep this lockdown going until there is a vaccine. REALLY???? Not all viruses (or is it viri) can be dealt with in this manner (AIDS??? – its a virus) . This is our natural world now, like it or not, so deal with it. What doesn’t kill ya makes ya stronger.

  5. Yup it’s sad alright. I like several outdoor sports, but alas I’m currently restricted to playing pocket pool in my rec-room. Somehow it not as satisfying as when I was 16.

  6. Just found your page of words, they are strong words. (Thanks)
    I am a Chef, a good one. I am in my mid 60’s. My wife, who is a Pastry Chef (very good one) and I own and work a restaurant. I feel I am getting to the end of my 50 year career in Food Service soon. A great life well spent. A man who has loved and lost. I am an awake individual and saw before most that an event was coming. But, we will still loose our business with little left for the “What’s Next?” conversations. Jobs will have to be acquired, moving will have to occur, Pain will be felt. Once again an event outside of my sphere has collided with my life and like a billiard ball we have just been smacked. Yes we are concerned and a great tragedy has and still is occurring . A global tragedy far from over. A tsunami of ripples which will cause incredible damage not yet even felt yet.

    But for me? I won’t be saying the bullshit lines about “Making me stronger” or “What did I learn from this”. Don’t go quite into this good night my good man. Human Beings, most I imagine anyway have some inner need to justify everything into a category so their brains can absorb it into a reality. But really, honest, shit happens. Everywhere. Shit will always happen. So, we will all be impacted by this event to some degree cuz it will have legs. How much are Greens Fees this year? …opps. Anyway, thank you for your smart words. I hope more individuals come to the calling.
    p.s. great pics and awesome quotes…well done sir.

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