Could Have Been Obama’s Son

Could Have Been Obama’s Son

We all have rights but we should also have a moral compass, when the morals and standards of normal society are lost civilization breaks down, which is what we witness in the video. This is not how “normal” kids act, the punishment should be swift and severe.

You tube dumped vid, here is the link to original. –

I suggest a one way flight to his ancestors homeland where that kind of thing is the norm.

H/T to GP for the clip

8 thoughts on “Could Have Been Obama’s Son

  1. I’m afraid that this will continue and increase. since Obama has set race relations back 50 years and mucked up the economy forever with obamacare and doubling the debtload things will intensify as more and more thugs cant find good paying jobs and are encouraged to take it out on whitey.

    I don’t have anything against blacks, but whitey gave them the best country ever and gave them every advantage to get a leg up in it after the 1960s. its on the blacks that they let crap like the rap culture take it over.

    1. Toejam – Didn’t know they yanked it. They said it was their harassment and bullying policy….wonder who they were worried about, the old man or the thug.

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