It’s A Lack Of Leadership….Period

It’s A Lack Of Leadership….Period

The Occupy movement is spreading chaos all over the country and mobs of black youth are attacking white people for their form of justice in the Trayvon death.
My question is WHY? Why can’t the President come out and decry the actions of these people who are breaking laws and seem to have a perceived green light to do so.

I don’t know what the answer to my question is but the silence of President Obama is deafening.

Mob beating goes unreported for two weeks, tweet references Trayvon Martin

I try to think what I would do if I was President. I would tell anyone and everyone who would listen that the behavior needs to end. That we as a nation will not put up with any thuggery no matter the cause or the mythical justification of their actions. 
WHY then does Obama stay silent? WHY does the MSM not mention the Norfolk, Virginia beatings? WHY does Pelosi and many other politicians not speak out against the violence and destruction of the Occupy idiots?

            Now thats Justice for Trayvon’ Mob Beats Man to Bloody Pulp

If it is politically in their best interest to allow these things to occur then the answer to the question of WHY is a severe lack of leadership….period. The President and his minions can stop all of this. If Obama came out on national television and told the people that are responsible to STOP, it would stop. His political allies would jump on board, the media would see that if Obama want’s it to end, then they will report anything that happens that goes against his wishes. When Obama’s people see that he is not happy with them and it is casting a bad light on him, they would stop.
It is so simple and easy, we know Obama has no problem getting in front of a camera, just do it Barry! Be a man and do what a herd of blind sheep voted you to do, be PRESIDENTIAL, show some moxy, grow a pair for hell’s sakes.

That is what a true leader would do. If the President had any backbone at all he would denounce these actions and hold a swift sword of justice if it continues. White, black, brown, red, yellow it does not matter, as President of the United States you have the obligation to all people to stop any type of anarchy in this country.

And with his silence, the sound of this country being devided is deafening.

2 thoughts on “It’s A Lack Of Leadership….Period

  1. You know, I don’t have an answer to those questions, but I know one this for sure. Thuggery is only going to last for so long before people just start shooting these bastards right on the spot. BOOM! before they can even raise a fist to throw a punch or a rock into a business window. The picture that keeps entering my head is that of the Korean liquor store owners on top of their business with UZIs when the Rodney King Riots were going down in ’92. I will be doing the same thing they were, but I’m not sure how long I will be able to maintain the defensive position before I go straight up OFFENSE on these worthless pieces of crap.

    1. CharlieDelta – Agreed, I watched some of the documentary on VH! last night and I can tell you, I did not see any remorse from some of the main players in the riots. They seemed like they had a right as citizen to act that way. Well, not in my town they wouldn’t.

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