As The World Burns
Ferguson is blowing up again. It’s just another example of the Obama Oppressed Society wing of crazy black people. You can’t give them enough, you can’t subsidize their lives enough, all you can do is keep a tight grip on the leash, which Obama has loosened. Eventually these people will decide to bolt the ghetto for the burbs and your nice little gated community will no longer be a nice quiet place to live.
The war on poverty is an abject failure yet the entitlement machine continues, you’re not giving these people a hand up because they don’t want a hand up, they want to hang out. When you’re handed enough free shit to keep you alive for doing nothing, then doing nothing is the way to go. That leaves all kinds of free time to hone skills such as gang signing, jimmying locks, ballooning heroin, cutting crack, shooting people, etc…, all being subsidized by you the taxpayer, kinda gives ya warm fuzzy feeling don’t it.
So let the madness continue, at some point in time theses cities and towns will be as dangerous as walking down a road in Somalia. Thanks Barry!
2 thoughts on “As The World Burns”
Rats will always chee on the timbers and the vital parts until the ship starts to sink and then they will always be the first to try and flee. The left is using the ghetto rats to undermine society so they can rebuild it into a dictatorship. Once the left has the nation on its knees they will eexterminate the rats as they will have no future use for them.
There will be a breaking point. Someone rammed through the “blockage” on the highway today. Soon others will follow suit.