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Month: May 2014

School Diversity Evolves Backwards

School Diversity Evolves Backwards

Its not hard to understand. As minority populations expand, whites move to other locales. Pretty soon the schools resemble whatever tribe lives in the area and no amount of government social engineering can change that fact, but they will continue to shove the round peg in the square hole.

In 1954, a unanimous Supreme Court declared that racially segregated schools were inherently unequal. The Court based its decision on studies showing that “segregated schools damaged the psyches of black children and their motivation to learn.” 

“Where I come from, diversity just means you have to lock your bicycle up.”— Fred Reed 

It was not the Supreme Court or a conceited social commentator who revealed how diversity influences achievement. It was multiple regression and standardized tests. The National Education Association used neither when it listed four ways that a diverse student body contributes to education. According to America’s largest teacher’s union,


  • promotes racial tolerance,
  • contributes to the robust exchange of ideas essential to a quality system of education,
  • breaks down barriers among individuals of different races, and
  • improves academic performance.

All Hail Baracko Obamanez

All Hail Baracko Obamanez

Interesting ICE was told not to comment even though it is their very jobs that put many of them in custody. When the federal government puts a gag order on one of their own agencies, one wonders what they are trying to hide, or worse yet, what are they trying to get away with.

Each ICE representative that Breitbart Texas came in contact with was familiar with the CIS report, but would not comment on it. They additionally refused to answer general questions regarding detention and release policies. 

“We were given specific instructions not to comment on that report,” said Greg Palmore, a Texas-based ICE spokesman, during a phone interview with Breitbart Texas.

Rather than comment, they all provided the same press release that was apparently drawn up by a press secretary in Washington, D.C.

The CIS report claimed that the 36,000 released criminals were collectively convicted of 88,000 crimes. These convictions include 426 sexual assaults, 303 kidnappings, 193 homicides, 1,317 domestic violence assaults, and 1,724 weapon offenses.

The immigrants were apparently being processed for deportation at the time they were let go. ICE could have held these individuals in detention, “but released them anyway,” according to a report by the Washington Times. The CIS added that many of the releases were likely “discretionary,” and not in accordance with the Immigration and Nationality Act.

Jessica Vaughan, the director of policy studies at the CIS said, “We keep hearing from the administration that they are focused like a laser on enforcement against the worst of the worst, convicted criminals, as their top priority. On the other hand, they are releasing, at a rate of about 100 a day, aliens from their custody with criminal convictions, and many of them are serious criminal convictions.” keep reading

California Wants “Social Commitment” From Taxpayers To Pay For Obamacare

California Wants “Social Commitment” From Taxpayers To Pay For Obamacare

Jerry Brown asking for a larger commitment from California taxpayers…how

“I’m proud we did it,” said Brown. “But we also have to take into account this thing is growing.” 

Brown said the state’s Obamacare exchange, known officially as Covered California, and the state’s Medi-Cal expansion represent “a huge social commitment on the part of the taxpayers of California.

Last week, the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s Office reported that California faces $340 billion in debts, or more than $8,500 for each of the 38 million people who live in the state.

When does the task of the taxpayer end?

Obama Pushing For Latino Vote…..Hard

Obama Pushing For Latino Vote…..Hard

Why would Obama stop deporting illegals?  Is it in the best interest of the country? Of course not.

One reason and one reason only, bribing the Latinos for votes in the mid-terms. He is not worried about re-election so he can do pretty much whatever he wants, and it may work.

The tribal theory that a race will do whatever it takes to see members of the same ethnic group succeed answers the question why it will work. Latinos don’t care what there fellow Latinos did, they just want more of them around, and Obama is offering just that. He is telling them he wants all of their people to come to America…laws be damned…and in doing so he expects votes, same thing LBJ did with the war on poverty.

Simple process really, and nobody has figured out how to stop it.trigger

Enforcing immigration law “isn’t smart,” President Barack Obama told law enforcement officials Tuesday, just one day after the public learned he had released 36,007 illegal-immigrant murderers, rapists, thieves and other criminals into the nation’s communities. Cops should be going after major criminals, not the many illegal immigrants that are quietly living in their districts, said Obama, who has twice sworn to uphold the nation’s laws.


“You’ve got to spend time dealing with somebody who is not causing any other trouble other than the fact that they were trying to make a living for their families,” Obama said. “That’s just not a good use of our resources. It’s not smart. It doesn’t make sense,” said Obama, who has already directed immigration police to minimize enforcement of illegal living far from the border.

Polls consistently show the public favors a stronger crackdown on employment of illegal immigrants.

On May 12, the Center for Immigration Studies released government documents showing that Obama’s deputies released foreign 36,007 foreign criminals who had committed crimes in the country, instead of deporting them.


The illegals “are folks who are woven into the fabrics of our communities,” he said. ”Their kids are going to school with our kids. Most of them are not making trouble; most of them are not causing crimes. And yet, we put them in this tenuous position, and it creates a situation in which your personnel, who have got to go after gang-bangers and need to be going after violent criminals and deal with the whole range of challenges, and who have to cooperate with [the federal government] around our counterterrorism activities.” Read more: 

So the Liar – in – Chief continues to flaunt the laws of the land, (unless there his), and is making ground with the simpletons who fall for his used car sales pitch. If Latinos think Obama gives a rats ass about them and theirs I suggest they take a good hard look at the black community Obama promised to help. 

Big Government

Big Government

Let’s take a look at some departments and agencies shall we…

Department of Agriculture – Not needed.  This essentially is a body of regulators and cronies that ruin our food prices and deliver food stamps and other nonsense.

• Department of Commerce – This can be disbanded and left only to serve as a group of volunteers to run the Census when needed.  The Patent and Trademark Office can remain but should be run on a shoestring budget by a handful of underpaid bureaucrats.

• Department of Defense – This can also remain but needs to be severely trimmed down especially in the countless agencies under each branch of the military…such as the NSA.  I’m sure whatever DARPA is doing these days is far inferior to those contractors in the private sector anyway. This means bureaucrats not military personnel.

• Department of Education – Completely worthless.  Needs to be shutdown.

• Department of Energy – Also no longer needed.  The private sector is more responsible with our energy needs.  Also, why is the DOE working on genomics?  What the hell does that have to do with energy?

• Department of Health & Human Services – Our most expensive agency.  Of course it has to go, but that would mean we would have to get rid of Medicaid, Medicare and Obamacare.


I’ll tell you what, you can leave up the CDC, also run on a shoestring budget by a handful of bureaucrats.

• Department of Homeland Security – We already have a Department of Defense.  This is just duplicated bureaucracy.  It needs to go.  Every inch of it.

• Department of Housing and Urban Development – Hmmm…


• Department of the Interior – This can also be scaled back but I don’t mind many of these services so long as they are kept small and bend over backwards to citizens when using land and resources.

• Department of Justice – I suppose this is rather important but can always use some trimming.  Do we really need a DEA?  And if we do, do we really need a National Drug Intelligence Center and an Office of Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces too?  It appears to be more redundancy to me.

• Department of Labor – Another department that can be run by a handful of bureaucrats in a broom closet somewhere.

• Department of State – Limit this to the Secretary of State and the few office staff he/she needs.  That is all.

• Department of Transportation – Eliminate 70% of the useless administrations that are part of this department.

• Department of Treasury – Alexander Hamilton pretty much did this entire job himself when this was developed.  I’m sure we can scale this back 95%.

• Department of Veteran Affairs – I think we’ve all seen how well this department hasn’t been running.  So, we should let the Department of Defense envelope this entirely.  Maybe if the DOD has to worry about budgeting for our veterans, they’ll think twice about squandering resources on expensive toys that rot away in a desert somewhere as well as think twice before sending troops off to active combat.

Other random independent agencies and organizations:

Election Assistance Commission
Federal Election Commission
Administrative Conference of the United States National Archives and Records
Administration Office of the Federal Register
Merit Systems Protection Board
Office of Government Ethics
Office of Personnel Management
Federal Executive Institute
Combined Federal Campaign Office of Special Counsel
Federal Trade Commission
Consumer Product Safety Commission
Federal Communications Commission
Federal Housing Finance Agency
Federal Housing Finance Board
Tennessee Valley Authority
U.S. Trade and Development Agency
United States International Trade Commission
Corporation for Public Broadcasting
Helen Keller National Center Institute of Museum and Library Services
International Broadcasting Bureau
National Constitution Center
National Endowment for the Arts
National Endowment for the Humanities
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
National Science Foundation
United States Antarctic Program
United States Arctic Program Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Office of the Federal Coordinator,
Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Projects
African Development Foundation
Export-Import Bank of the United States
Inter-American Foundation
Overseas Private Investment Corporation
United States Agency for International Development
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
Environmental Protection Agency
Federal Labor Relations Authority
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission
National Labor Relations Board
National Mediation Board
Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission
Office of Compliance Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Farm Credit Administration
Federal Reserve System
United States Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
National Credit Union Administration
Central Liquidity Facility Securities and Exchange Commission
Securities Investor Protection Corporation
Small Business Administration
Military Postal Service Agency
Postal Regulatory Commission
United States Postal Service
Armed Forces Retirement Home
Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
Railroad Retirement Board
Social Security Administration
Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency
General Services Administration
National Capital Planning Commission
Amtrak (National Railroad Passenger Corporation)
Federal Maritime Commission
National Transportation Safety Board
Corporation for National and Community Service
Peace Corps
Central Intelligence Agency
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
Office of the National Counterintelligence
Executive Office of the Director of National Intelligence
Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity
Selective Service System
Commission on Civil Rights
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
National Council on Disability
Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation
Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation (Farmer Mac)
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac)
Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae)
AbilityOne Federal Home Loan Banks Farm Credit System


The majority of these can be tossed out and the rest can be enveloped within other departments.

We’ve already seen that very little actually happens during a government shutdown.  Do this and I promise our astronomical debt will disappear. 


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