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The Agenda

The Agenda

Responding to a mass shooting Thursday on an Oregon campus, President Obama, visibly angry and frustrated, said that such incidents had become so routine that “we’ve become numb to this.”

During a brief televised statement delivered at the White House , the president lashed out at those who oppose gun limits by saying that their answer to such tragedies are more guns, not fewer.

“Does anybody really believe that?” he asked, clearly outraged.


Mr. Obama pointed out that states with more gun restrictions tended to have fewer gun deaths, and countries like Britain and Australia with far stricter gun laws have much fewer gun deaths.  “So we know there are ways to prevent it,” he said.


As The World Burns

As The World Burns

Ferguson is blowing up again. It’s just another example of the Obama Oppressed Society wing of crazy black people. You can’t give them enough, you can’t subsidize their lives enough, all you can do is keep a tight grip on the leash, which Obama has loosened. Eventually these people will decide to bolt the ghetto for the burbs and your nice little gated community will no longer be a nice quiet place to live.UK

The war on poverty is an abject failure yet the entitlement machine continues, you’re not giving these people a hand up because they don’t want a hand up, they want to hang out. When you’re handed enough free shit to keep you alive for doing nothing, then doing nothing is the way to go. That leaves all kinds of free time to hone skills such as gang signing, jimmying locks, ballooning heroin, cutting crack, shooting people, etc…, all being subsidized by you the taxpayer, kinda gives ya warm fuzzy feeling don’t it.

So let the madness continue, at some point in time theses cities and towns will be as dangerous as walking down a road in Somalia. Thanks Barry!

It’s OK

It’s OK

It’s OK to martyr Trayon Martin, Mike Brown, & Freddie Grey, but not OK to call Kate Stienles parents – Liberal agenda- Amnesty Illegal Aliens

It’s OK to show the Black Panther, LaRaza, ISIS, & Rainbow flags, but not OK to show the Confederate Battle flag – Liberal Agenda – White Privilege/Gay Pride

It’s OK to call Charleston shooting “Domestic Terrorism”, it’s not OK to call Fort Hood “Islamic Terrorism” – Liberal Agenda – Diversity/Obama Policy

It’s OK to kill unborn babies and sell body parts for profit, it’s not OK to kill convicted murderers on death row – Liberal Agenda – Abortion/Death Penalty

It’s OK to lower American flag to half staff the day Whitney Houstons died, it’s not OK to lower flag for 5 Marines killed in Chattanooga terrorist attack – Liberal Agenda – Muslim/Minority Appeasement

It’s OK to trade terrorists for deserter, it’s not OK to release Americans held in Iran as part of nuclear deal – Liberal Agenda – Obama Legacy/Closing Guantanamo

It’s OK to force Americans to get healthcare, It’s not OK to force the poor to pay for healthcare/food/housing/utilities – Liberal Agenda – Entitlements/Obamacare

It’s OK to force baker to make gay wedding cake, It’s not OK to ask Muslim employee to sell bacon – Liberal Agenda – LGTB/Muslim Appeasement

It’s OK to let veterans die while on secret VA waiting list, it’s not OK to turn away illegal aliens at hospitals – Liberal Agenda – Big Government/Amnesty/Obamacare

It’s OK to spend millions on studies why lesbians are fat, it’s not OK to spend money on better military body armor. – Liberal Agenda – Big Government/Obama Policy

It’s OK to lie about a rape, it’s not OK to question the ethics of the journalists who wrote the story about the lie – Liberal Agenda – Feminism

It’s OK for the President of the United States to lie to the American people, it’s not OK to  question his love of country. – Liberal Agenda – Obama

This list could easily be in the hundreds.

Since Obama took office over 60 terrorist attacks by Islamist terrorists have taken place on American soil, killing over 40 people, that does not count the attacks that were thwarted by law enforcement. Since Obama took office 2.5 million illegal aliens have entered through the U.S. southern border. Since Obama took office race relations have plummeted to levels not seen since the 60’s. Obama did exactly what he said, he is transforming the country one liberal agenda at a time.










It’s mesmerizing really. I have been watching the clown show that is Donald Trump for years and I have to admit I have a problem…..I can’t stop. Unlike Joe Bidesc_2729n who blurts out shit off script and has a trove of minions explaining what he really meant after the fact, The Donald blurts out what he is thinking and makes no apologies for saying so.

It’s a guilty pleasure and I get a kick out of it. He says what every conservative is thinking themselves but dare not speak the words. Don’t get me wrong here Trump would not make a good President, his ego alone would alienate half of Washington in the first week. But admit it, it’s refreshing to see someone say what needs to be said. It may be grating, it may be insulting, it may even be embarrassing, but he has the balls to say it and own it. No caving in or folding to political correctness just balls to the walls with what he considers to be true.

This should make the debates quite entertaining, I have a feeling Trump may get frustrated and inadvertently drop an f-bomb, but wouldn’t that be worth the price of admission? Wouldn’t you love to hear Trump tell a debate opponent they “don’t know what the fuck they are talking about”. He may not be Presidential in his presentation, but if he continues to say things that put liberals/RHINOS/Geraldos into convulsions frantically putting on their PC police badges denouncing Trump as racist then sign me up as a fan.

I didn’t say I would vote for him, but I’m a Trumpaholic, and the first step is admitting you have a problem.

A Slap In The face

A Slap In The face

Obama and his liberal butt buddies chose to defame the White House with the rainbow colors of the gay movement. In doing so he has slapped Americans with traditional values right smack in the face. This blatant act demonstrates the loathing Obama has for America.

There is no reasonable argument that homosexuality in any form is good for America. Americans have been inundated with television, movies, and political agendas showing a flowery rainbow world full of beautiful gay folks in their mid 20’s arm in arm being good upstanding members of society. That’s the picture they want you to see. Reality on the other hand paints a far different picture. Let’s put aside the fact that it’s unnatural, let’s ignore the fact that Christians, as a general rule, believe it’s a sin, let’s just look at what homosexuals do for the country.
Does having a gay military strengthen our country? 558e7eeac7eb0
Does having gay politicians (Barney Frank) create better leadership?
Does having gay actors and actresses give our media addicted children good role models?
Is being gay healthy?
Is having gender neutral bathrooms and locker rooms good for anyone?
Are children raised by gay couples capable of growing up without emotional scars?
Is watching flaming gay men parading down main street America in a colored wig and jock strap wholesome entertainment?
As far as I can tell the answer is a resounding NO!!

So if the basic premise of homosexuality does nothing to better the country, why would a sitting president be so supportive? Well, my take on it is he would do or say anything to get re-elected, he wanted a second term so he sidled up with the gay community for votes. Independents are left of center nowadays and they love them some gayness, so naturally Obama “evolved”. He could give a unicorns ass about gay people, he was power hungry so he embraced the the perversion. (though some say he may be a bit light in the loafers himself but I guess we’ll find out after he is out of office and transitions like Jenner).

So Obama decides to splash the White House rainbow skittles and the reason for it was to  show that even though he is considered the worst President ever, he still thinks he is the boss of America. It was a vindictive, petty, child like act which we have grown accustom to seeing from him, and a slap in the face of the people who know him for what he really is.


ps: If you want to be gay be gay, it’s a free country, but when you keep throwing it in our face like Obama has, your gonna get a fight. Some people don’t look the other way.

Bill Has To Pay The Bills

Bill Has To Pay The Bills


Bullshit…money laundering, plain and simple.billy

Well, now he’s claiming, with respect to his foundation hiding money, refusing to disclose, and arranging sweet uranium deals for close buddies who just happen to give him $131 million, neither he or his wife did anything knowingly wrong.   here….



Time To Start Shooting

Time To Start Shooting

If these wild packs of “people” won’t adhere to laws, it’s time to start shooting. If “Black Lives Matter” like they say they wouldn’t be taunting the cops, somebody’s gonna get shot and it shouldn’t be the police.

Remember the great white riots of 19–? Yeah me neither.

Baltimore calls itself “Charm City” because they used to have a sense of humor. The city is one of the least charming places on earth and it used to be a lot worse. At its peak, Baltimore was a gray, dumpy industrial town. Today, it’s Detroit on the Chesapeake with a better tourist area. Otherwise, Baltimore is an unrelenting shithole that should probably be given the Dresden treatment.

Baltimore is a good example of what happened when Progressives are allowed to rule unchecked. West Baltimore is a scary black ghetto and the main hub for narcotics trafficking in the region. If you ever want to understand why I think libertarians are fools, go to West Baltimore, but do it in the morning hours when the locals are asleep. Keep Reading….


This Is How It Works

This Is How It Works

If a policeman shoots a black, white, asian, indian, muslim, latin, whatever, that officer is investigated for their actions. A dumb ass cop shoots an unarmed black man in the back and that officer will be tried for murder…that’s how it works. You see kids we don’t need all the race baiting, victim shaping, congress posing, bullshit protesting people demanding justice.

If he’s convicted, it’s prison time. So shut the fuck up about all the Trayvons and Browns of the world. The law did it’s thing in those cases, let it work here.

If I see one race baiter or protest over this I give up feeling any sympathy for a group who consider themselves perpetual victims.


Damn…OK….well that answers it then, they will never be satisfied, so fuck ’em.

Rev. Al Sharpton on Wednesday called for immediate reform of police procedures nationwide following last weekend’s video recording of the shooting of an unarmed black man.

Sharpton called Saturday’s death of Walter Scott, 50, in North Charleston, S.C. a “senseless tragedy.” He added that the incident was the latest in a series of law enforcement mistreatments unfairly targeting African Americans.

Same Old Song And Dance

Same Old Song And Dance

One does not have to travel very far back in time to find disastrous results of democratic foreign policy, the only difference being Obama has no limits to how far left he will go.

Through the intercession of Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton struck a non-binding agreement with North Korea on its nuclear weapons program. Like Obama’s Iran deal, the Senate never got to ratify it. Secretary of State Madeline Albright stated that “the framework agreement is one of the best things that the administration has done because it stopped a nuclear weapons program in North Korea.” It didn’t.


During his original campaign, Obama said, “We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon.” That should sound familiar. Bill Clinton said during his first term in office, “North Korea cannot be allowed to develop a nuclear bomb.” North Korea could and did. Bill Clinton knew all along that it could and would.


An administration of political hacks who spent the Bush years undermining the White House in every way possible short of officially defecting to the enemy now claim that dissent from their policy is treason.


The first rule of treason is to call the other guy a traitor. Having aligned with everyone from Castro to the Supreme Leader of Iran, Obama has to make it seem as if it’s the Republicans who are the traitors. Keep Reading….