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Tag: sex

30 Minutes Of Stupid….Can It Be Contagious?

30 Minutes Of Stupid….Can It Be Contagious?

I know there is other shit going on in this world but I have to vent for just a sec.
I am checking out my favorite sites as the wife takes control of the television, one of her favorite shows is on….the Kardshians.
Just listening to this gaggle of witless dingbats and the morons that they have chosen as their victims is excruciating. I am having a hard time even hitting the accurate keys on the keyboard because of the mindless and immature babble in the background is causing severe brain cramps.

Now I know that Kim Kardashian is a decent looking female, but I grade on a scale here, and I do take into account some semblance of a brain. There is nothing but grey matter going on in that pretty little head of hers, and her siblings and especially the mother. And they pay these people for this.

 I have tried to explain my disdain for this type of entertainment to my bride but to no avail. She likes it and that’s just that. I guess I didn’t marry her for her taste in late night tv but I am a captive audience since my computer is 5 feet away from the television.
I think this is some form of jedi mind fuck that the progressives in La La Land have come up with to destroy the normal thinking individual. I am hoping that as long as I don’t look at the tv I will not be effected by whatever sorcery has been spun on my wife and the millions of others who watch this drivel.

They really should have some kind of a public service warning that watching this show may cause lack of oxygen to the brain or could cause long term stupid….ya know.
If you notice any changes in my blogging please alert me and let me know that, yes, I have been effected by the sites and sounds emitting from these brainless twits with tits.

How Do You Change?

How Do You Change?

I have wondered how one person can effect change in Washington and have come to the firm conclusion it can’t be done. With all of the politics and the mother of all bureaucracies how can one individual, no matter how motivated get anything done, and I mean change that rattles the rafters. Politicians come in and most certainly are caught in the swamp of greed and self-importance, it’s just the nature of things in that town.

So I think an experiment should be tried by both houses and whoever is elected POTUS come November.

Since they can’t get anything done collectively, I say hire a temporary panel of the best economists the country has to offer. And I would model it after the Manhattan Project. If you are not familiar with the secret atomic bomb project Google it, you will get more info than me posting here. I assume most of you know what transpired. In short they developed an atomic weapon that ended World War II. Pretty important project, and the scientists were all under military rule to bring the weapon to fruition.
So, anywho, let’s say that we round-up the best of the best…with one mission…figure out a way to pay off the national debt in 10 years. Yep that’s right, TEN YEARS.
Now the kicker, in return for their efforts, they will be paid Ten Million Dollars to split amongst them after they come up with the program, basically one million for every year it takes to eliminate the debt. Now you probably think that spending 10 million would be more spending, well, not with the caveat that instead of raising corporation taxes and taxing the top 1%. The top business people in the country can pay for the reward. No taxpayer money goes towards the prize.

This panel would have as long as needed but under pressure to come up with something sooner than later, as the problem they are trying to overcome, may overcome them if it takes to long. No military cut’s will be allowed. It is the Washington bureaucracy that should bear the brunt of the decisions. Hell I would even give them 20 million, it would be that important.

Since Politicians can’t do it, take it out of their hands. They could not build an atomic bomb, so they brought in experts. They can’t fix the debt problem, so bring in experts…and reward them handsomely.

That’s all I have to say about that.
I tried to find hot economists, apparently they are camera shy, scientists will have to do for purposes of dressing up this post.

Fluke No Fluke…. Just A Fake

Fluke No Fluke…. Just A Fake

I am not going to spend a large amount of time and energy on this because I think the whole contraceptive thing was designed by Democraps to keep the GOP focusing on the issue instead of concentrating on Obama’s record. The longer the story is out there, the more the liberal media is going to bait the GOP rivals, thus wasting time on an issue that should be a non-starter.

My own opinion on the matter is women can get contraceptives anywhere and inexpensively and they don’t need funding from anybody but themselves, but I digress, the media led everyone to believe that Sandra Fluke was a 23-year-old law student at Georgetown.

Well, we have been played, and quite masterfully I might add. This is what the Democrats do and the leftwing media eats it up.

This 31-year-old has been a feminist democratic agitator for years. Note the “societies” she belonged to. My Friends you have been played. How did that feel?












And guess who gets caught in the web of deceit, none other than Rush Limbaugh, forced to put his tail between his legs and apologize for calling Ms. Fluke a “slut” because he is losing sponsors.

Well let’s check out the score so far:  Liberals 1    Conservatives 0