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Tag: Sandra Fluke

…And The Horse You Rode In On…

…And The Horse You Rode In On…

How many countries have given a dime to the U.S.? They should not get anything from us. What level have we sunk to that we give VERIFIED terrorists  anything? Get the hell out and let them self implode. I could give a shit less. And so should you. They get what they deserve!

The House agreed to a $650 million cut from Pakistan military aid Wednesday night as Republicans sought to tamp down demands for still deeper reductions because of conservative anger at the Islamabad government.

Rep. Ted Poe (R-Texas) first came to the floor demanding a $1.3 billion cut and initially won the endorsement of Rep. Bill Young (R-Fla.), who was managing the defense bill on the floor. But ultimately a cut of $650 million was settled upon with the intention of reducing Pakistan’s funds by half.

Rep. Norman Dicks (D-Wash.), the ranking Democrat on the House Appropriations Committee, appeared to agree to the compromise, since it was approved by a voice vote. And the end result is to conform with prior cuts agreed to this spring as part of a defense authorization bill.

Nonetheless, the fresh cut follows on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s recent efforts to bridge the gap with Pakistan. And the combination of Poe’s inflammatory rhetoric and Young’s cheerful endorsement was not a reassuring for the Obama administration as it tries to rebuild relations.

“It is time for a new strategy with Pakistan,” said Poe, who described Pakistan as a “Benedict Arnold” nation. “More money is not going to solve the problem. … Pakistan is playing America.”





One thing is certain, she is a fame-hungry media whore.


• Ed Schultz’s show Thursday March 1
• Today Show Friday March 2
• Andrea Mitchell’s show Friday, March 2
• CBS News Friday, March 2
• CNN—Dana Bash interview March 2
• Hardball- MSNBC March 2
• “The View” today

Fluke No Fluke…. Just A Fake

Fluke No Fluke…. Just A Fake

I am not going to spend a large amount of time and energy on this because I think the whole contraceptive thing was designed by Democraps to keep the GOP focusing on the issue instead of concentrating on Obama’s record. The longer the story is out there, the more the liberal media is going to bait the GOP rivals, thus wasting time on an issue that should be a non-starter.

My own opinion on the matter is women can get contraceptives anywhere and inexpensively and they don’t need funding from anybody but themselves, but I digress, the media led everyone to believe that Sandra Fluke was a 23-year-old law student at Georgetown.

Well, we have been played, and quite masterfully I might add. This is what the Democrats do and the leftwing media eats it up.

This 31-year-old has been a feminist democratic agitator for years. Note the “societies” she belonged to. My Friends you have been played. How did that feel?












And guess who gets caught in the web of deceit, none other than Rush Limbaugh, forced to put his tail between his legs and apologize for calling Ms. Fluke a “slut” because he is losing sponsors.

Well let’s check out the score so far:  Liberals 1    Conservatives 0